Thanks to Josh Sudweeks @sudweeks for hosting our previous Technique-111-Photoelasticity and thanks to everyone who participated in the challenge. This was a excellent challenge and had a high level of entry's so difficult to pick something to follow! I've decided the the next challenge will be Out of focus photography or OOF. All of us have cameras with fancy auto focus systems and lenses designed to produce crystal sharp images . I want you to switch off your auto focus open your apertures up and most importantly have fun! To help you along I've added a few links below showing the sort of images you can create.
Technique 112 challenge will start on January 24th and will run through February 21st. Photos need to be taken and posted to the site within those dates. A list of finalists will be selected and posted shortly thereafter.
The winner will get to choose the next technique and host the next round.
Please tag your shots with:
Please can you confirm what the correct tag for the challenge is.