FUTURE Lighting & Flash Challenes

July 26th, 2023
Lighting & Flash challenges

Are you interested in learning more about lighting & flash?

Does the whole idea of using flash, studio lighting and various lighting set-ups intimidate you? Perhaps you have some experience with it but want to dig even deeper and expand your lighting skills? Then these challenges are for you.

We will cover various lighting techniques. We will cover how different lighting placements effect the overall mood and quality of your image. There will be links to various training sites and challenges to help you use your creativity while enhancing your lighting skills. We will include links to equipment & other tools needed for the challenge as well.

ALSO - IF you are confident in various lighting techniques and skills I am looking for a panel of other 365’ers to join me and be part of the Lighting Motivational Team. As part of the team you will host some of the challenges as well as offer feedback and helpful suggestions on any of the challenges whether you are hosting the challenge or not.

If interested please say “Lighting Motivational Team” in the comments.

If interested in learning more about lighting & flash– comment “I’m IN”

If there is enough interest the challenges will begin soon.
So Are you IN?
Are you able to be part of the Lighting Motivational Team?

Also, if interested what would you hope is included in some of the challenges? If there is not enough interest this lighting concept will disappear into the darkness.

July 26th, 2023
I'm in ( love to learn to use the flash gun properly - mine needs to be tethered and the lead is only 30cm long!)
July 26th, 2023
I’m in. A great way to share and learn. Oh and buy some new equipment.
July 26th, 2023
I'm in (of course!). As I said in another post ( https://365project.org/discuss/tips-n-tricks/48163/lighting-recommendations) I am a complete neophyte to lighting so thanks for taking this up and I hope it becomes a great addition and resource for the community.
July 26th, 2023
I'm IN
July 26th, 2023
A long time ago Joan @joansmor had a lighting group tagged https://365project.org/tags/lightamateur going and there were challenges to try ( not for judging but for learning and critique)
July 26th, 2023
I am looking for a team to work together on putting together different lighting, flash, studio setup, modifiers, creative ways to use lights, gels, and other methods (ie reflectors etc.) to use in the Lighting & Flash Challenge series. We would communicate together some ideas of what can be covered and take turn hosting the challenge along with links, training description etc.

There can be a vote at the end but the goal isn't as much a competition but motivation on how to use various lighting for different effects.

We would alternate at posting the challenge to run 3 - 4 weeks and anyone on the team would add suggestions, tips and encourage and help answer questions. I don't claim to be an expert, but I have used various lighting, studio lighting etc. and I was looking for others to assist. Together this could be a great tool to help others who have not tried flash etc. to grow since this could be a new chapter in their photography journey.

I'm sure there are others to add to this list of the lighting motivation team so please tag them. I really don't know who would be the best for the group so if it isn't you, please make a referral and tag them.

@haskar @joansmor @cdcook48 @ltodd @taffy @peterdegraaff @mona65 @kali66 @humphreyhippo @olivetreeann
July 26th, 2023
not me, I always wing it with no proper gear!
July 27th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you for remembering our time on lightamatuer, This would be a good challenge but i am extremely busy. Maybe after I retire 9/30
July 27th, 2023
I feel very honored to be asked to join the prep for this challenge but I have no gear in this respect whatsoever. I usually use one of three modes- natural light from the window inside or the sun outside, light produced by lamps etc. or my light box which has an LED strip. So I don't know how I'd be able to contribute from a technical aspect. But thank you so much for thinking of me! If I think of someone that might be a better fit than I, I will come back and tag them in the comment section for you.
July 27th, 2023
@joansmor do you have any recommendations of anyone else to assist. I don't have time to do it myself but with a team it won't be that difficult. Thanks
July 27th, 2023
I'm in ... so nervous about using them!!
July 27th, 2023
@myhrhelper Try @Taffy when I first joined 365 several more experienced photographers offered to mentor some of the newbies. Taffy mentored a small group for quite a while. My mentor doesn't post any more.
July 27th, 2023
I'm in! I do not have a clue about lighting although I have a lightbox and some lights. It would be great to learn what to do with it.
July 27th, 2023
“I’m IN”

My level is that I regularly use bounce flash with the Speedlite located off-camera. I use Godox V1C and Godox XTC radio transmitter.
July 27th, 2023
I’m in….sounds like valuable things to learn.
July 27th, 2023
@lumpiniman nope, didn't understand a word of that!!!
July 28th, 2023
@joansmor Thanks for thinking of me -- that was a fun time and we all learned a lot. For this work in lighting, I'm not very knowledgeable at all, so it will be interesting to follow the group and see what they are learning!
July 28th, 2023
@taffy @lumpiniman @joansmor @olivetreeann If we do proceed with these challenges and if you have the time or knowledge on a topic that is being covered please feel free to comment, answer a question or provide feedback. If you have a different understanding than I do don’t hesitate to offer additional information, no offense would be taken but rather much appreciated. Also please think about who could join in. I will be somewhat limited in time and don’t claim to know everything my no means
July 28th, 2023
I'm in. I don't have much equipment but I'm willing to learn.
July 29th, 2023
I’m in
I know very little about lighting
July 29th, 2023
@myhrhelper Dear Kathy. Thank you so much for considering me, this is very kind of you, but I must decline as I really lack the expertise on these topics, am facing challenges with English language and have a very busy private schedule. I truly appreciate the thoughtfulness though and will follow this group.
July 30th, 2023
@myhrhelper I'm in. I have started learning about using flash more efficiently, and have acquired equipment to do so. I am at the point of using on camera flash (ring flash) for fill light and using off camera flash for key light. I have just received my light stands and umbrellas to use an off camera flash for fill light. I am also trying to learn how to control light with modifiers such as a snoot.
I wish I had the experience to help.
July 31st, 2023
@jnr I think you could help. I will send you a message on your site
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