April Words - A Glass Of ... by farmreporter

April Words - A Glass Of ...

I did not tell many people last year - and only one member of 365 ... that I was very sick. It turns out that I had VERY low hemoglobin and I needed multiple transfusions to recover. I now take two ferromax (iron) pills with orange juice every day since Vitamin C helps with the absorption of the iron.
It's an easy solution to my health problems. And now, I am well on the path to recovery. I can once again walk for miles, work in the garden all day, and even keep up with the grand children!
So glad you are feeling better.
April 15th, 2020  
Wow...something so simple after such an intense problem! Glad you have recovered and can manage it so simply. Stay well!
April 15th, 2020  
Thankful the problem was identified, treated and your health has been restored.
April 15th, 2020  
great news!
April 15th, 2020  
That is wonderful Wendy, so good to know that all is well again.
April 15th, 2020  
What a difference a year, and medication, makes.

Love this little and large composition ;)
April 15th, 2020  
How wonderful that you have recovered so well - you must feel like a new person. Such good news for you. :)
April 15th, 2020  
Oh my Wendy. I’m so glad you recovered. Iron is so hard to digest. You can only eat so much liver, glad these pills are working.
April 15th, 2020  
Happy to hear that you are well now! This is an easy solution to a nasty problem! Great picture too!
April 15th, 2020  
So glad you are recovered Wendy.....great they found out the cause & a fairly simple daily solution once you got on top of it. You are a busy woman so it must have been hard to keep up. Life is good again.
April 15th, 2020  
Glad you are on the mend! I did notice that you hadn’t been around as much!
April 15th, 2020  
Glad for your recovery. I love orange juice and this is making me crave it. Next shopping trip...
April 16th, 2020  
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