Monet Inspired View by fishers

Monet Inspired View

York Art Gallery has been fortunate to have on loan for the summer Monet’s ‘The Water-Lily Pond’ (1899) as part of an exhibition to mark the 200th anniversary of the National Gallery (on 10 May 2024).

To publicise this, a wild flower meadow had been planted behind the art gallery, and various other areas in the Museum Gardens have been planted with areas of Monet inspired flowers. There are a series of picture frames to draw attention to these, and each frame has below it some information about Monet.

I haven't had chance to see all the framed views yet, but I did manage this shot from just inside the entrance to the Museum Gardens, before a dash to the bus stop for my transport home.

So here we have my very own Monet inspired image - yes I know it falls well short of a genuine Monet, but its the best that I could manage in the short time I had available. I will be going back when I have more time to take a longer look and to get a few more photos.

Looks better on black.

What a super way to advertise it. I love Monet’s work. Nice photo.
May 30th, 2024  
May 30th, 2024  
Very beautiful flowers. The idea of ​​the frames is great!
May 30th, 2024  
Very pretty. Fav 😊
May 30th, 2024  
Lovely photo😊
May 30th, 2024  
Very picturesque fav
May 30th, 2024  
It looks great!
May 30th, 2024  
This is fabulous!
May 30th, 2024  
May 30th, 2024  
This is lovely! You made a grand job of it!
May 30th, 2024  
Ian, how exciting for the museum and all who can visit this garden and see the Monet! Lok forward to more from the garden.
May 31st, 2024  
Very pretty scene and nice framing. It is always a joy to be able to see works of art of reknown and other artists in person.
May 31st, 2024  
@casablanca @pdulis @cordulaamann @carolmw @mubbur @365projectorgchristine @robz @corinnec @bkbinthecity @pattyblue @illinilass @sangwann

Thank you all for your lovely comments and favs, they are very much appreciated.

At last the weather forecast looks a bit drier for a few days, so I should be able to have another visit to the Museum Gardens quite soon. I should find out about arrangements for seeing the Monet in the Art Gallery as well.

May 31st, 2024  
@fishers. Some years ago, I visited Monet's garden at Giverny. It was a stunning sight.
May 31st, 2024  

That must have been a really interesting experience. I like the way that the Museum Gardens here have been used to give an impression of it.

May 31st, 2024  
Very pretty
May 31st, 2024  

Thank you Kathy. I'm looking forward to going back for more photos when I have a bit more time.

June 1st, 2024  
Lovely photo!
June 4th, 2024  

Thank you Vesna, I'm pleased that you like it!

June 5th, 2024  
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