Thought I would go in the garden today & shoot some close up flowers & buds. I'm not a great one for photoing flowers, much prefer a nice street scene but I did think the new shoots on this conifer were very pretty against the fence. I think it is some kind of Birch tree !!
I took these with manual setting, just kept turning the dial until they looked clear in the window & clicked !!!
We are out tonight so might not be able to comment until tomorrow !
It's unusual - it's like a deciduous evergreen! Great job on the manual setting - the fence is in great focus as well. It would be relaxing to walk Tui - 8 month old labs are quite a handfull - he's going to be well behaved eventually though & I don't know if I'll ever say that about Monty!
Beautiful green these buds and lovely textures as well. On manual?!! You are much braver than I am. I'd have frustrated myself to death. Enjoy the evening.
@happypat i could be wrong! No gardener. But I did had a grafted larch once and these buds reminded me of it. When I moved house I left it behind and always regretted it because it was so pretty