Mid Way Point - An Socach by jamibann

Mid Way Point - An Socach

Another shot from our Boxing Day walk. It's hard to imagine how a day of blue skies turned into a day like yesterday. It was most awful day of rain, sleet, wind, and flooding.

Alexander never made it to London - his train was turned around at Montrose and he had to get out at Stonehaven. John was able to pick him up, fortunately, and get him back to base. We're going to try again tomorrow morning!

Whilst the train shenanigans was going on, we had a gas delivery at home. But as we tried to close our gates last night, we realised that the tanker driver must hit our gate and wall as he reversed into our drive in the appalling weather. So, we can't close our gate, and our old wall is damaged and will need to be rebuilt (at least a section of it). Not sure yet if the gate is also warped. It will be interesting to see how the gas provider reacts, as the driver never mentioned it to us. We're pretty sure that there's no other way it could have been damaged, but how to prove that?! An email has been fired off, photos taken, and more will be taken today in daylight. All a bit annoying. :-(
Wow what a beautiful photo .
And very glad John was able to pick up Alexander when he did. It just got worse and worse for so many all over.
And the wall and gate episode πŸ™„
Hope today goes well for the travellers. πŸ₯°
December 28th, 2023  
What a lovely image. A shame the day turned out a bit mixed up.
December 28th, 2023  
Stunning image!
So sorry the day went lop sided!
Hope you have success with the gas company!
December 28th, 2023  
Fabulous triumphant scene and light - but oh what a trialling day for you all.
December 28th, 2023  
a wonderful capture of your guys on top of the world! So sorry to hear about all your shenanigans and hope they will be positively sorted out.
December 28th, 2023  
Awesome photo.
December 28th, 2023  
Bit of a bugger about the gate. Hope the gas company cough up
December 28th, 2023  
Brr I am not a hiker and would not really enjoy the cold. But love following your adventures. Maybe I should have started earlier.
December 28th, 2023  
Good heavens what a time you have had. Hope the problems are resolved quickly.
December 28th, 2023  
What an eventful Christmas period! I hope the truck story comes right. Charming photo - I love photographs of snow against a blue sky.
December 28th, 2023  
A fabulous photo! Sorry to hear about your incidents, I hope the gas provider will face his responsibilities.
December 28th, 2023  
A lovely image.
December 28th, 2023  
Great picture, but I'm so sorry to hear, that your precious old wall got damaged. Hope this will be sorted out well. And I hopte that A. gets back to his place safe.
December 28th, 2023  
Super photo, amazed at all your trouble. Hope you are able to prove your point!
December 28th, 2023  
Great capture. Sorry to hear about this turmoil. I hope everything will turn out well.
December 28th, 2023  
Oh dear, what a palaver! It's a cracking shot though. Hope Alexander managed to get to his destination today
December 28th, 2023  
Wonderful photo, I love everything about it.
December 28th, 2023  
Soooo frustrating about the gate 😑 Hope you get a good response. What a difference a day makes. Blue sky to grey wet storms!
December 28th, 2023  
Your weather changes quickly.
December 28th, 2023  
Such a frustrating day, I hope you get a good outcome with the gate and I hope Alexander had a better journey.
December 28th, 2023  
Oh No how annoying! Wonderful photo!
December 28th, 2023  
Oh my goodness. I trust everything will work out
December 28th, 2023  
superb photo , sorry about the wall and gate , good luck in your claim from the gas company
December 28th, 2023  
They look like explorers at one of the poles.
December 29th, 2023  
A stunningly blue sky day. Lovely shot.
Hope it all gets worked out without too much more hassle!
December 29th, 2023  
FAVtastic :)
December 29th, 2023  
Awesome capture. So sorry for the damage. Hopefully they will admit to it and cover the repairs.
December 29th, 2023  
Oh no re the gate, but the image is fantastic!
December 29th, 2023  
Well that was a day to forget!πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜«
December 29th, 2023  
Great shot- as they say a picture is worth a thousand words- and you probably have some before shots of your gate too amongst all you've captured for 365! I hope the company responds favorably.
December 29th, 2023  
I hope there was more cooperative weather for the rest of Alex’s travel. Really unfortunate you are having to deal with damage to your gate.
December 30th, 2023  
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