Summit of Glas Maol by jamibann

Summit of Glas Maol

Righting a Wrong! In January 2020, before we were really counting our Munros, we did a 2 Munro hike from Glenshee Ski Centre, including Glas Maol. However, on looking back at my Strava recording of this hike, we realised that we actually missed the top of Glas Maol (it was a snowy, poor visibility day) by about 30 metres! Although looking at the size of the summit shelter and trig point, you would wonder how anyone could possibly miss it!

So, yesterday we went back to rectify that error.

We did a lovely walk of 3 Munros (adding one to the 2020 walk), but these are definitely about the easiest Munros you can do - starting at a relatively high altitude, and with the minimum drop between each one. Also, they're within a 40 minute drive of home.

In today's news : I am having a Tesco Delivery. I haven't done that since I have lived here in Ballater, (over 6 years now) priding myself in always shopping local and doing a daily food shop in the village. However, with 6 people arriving on Friday, for the weekend, and a pile of shopping to be done, I decided that a delivery was the way to go. It's arriving later this morning and I'll be spending most of tomorrow cooking and prepping. :-)
Great that you had the opportunity to finish the job properly and tick another one off. Good idea to do an on-line order..
July 31st, 2024  
Classic - but poor visibility will do that! Fun to return and finish it.

Wow, delivery.......I don't do that either, I always walk or drive to local shops too. Sounds like a fun weekend coming up.
July 31st, 2024  
As busy as you are delivery is the way to go if they bring what you specify! I’ve had friends who have complained they don’t always receive what they order. Surely since Covid they have improved.
Certainly beautiful weather this time. Enjoy your weekend.
July 31st, 2024  
Amazing capture and a wonderful story, at least you had good weather too.

Sounds as if you are in for a fun weekend, happy cooking :-)
July 31st, 2024  
So pleased to hear you have righted your wrong (your words, not mine). I hope you have a great weekend with your guests
July 31st, 2024  
It is indeed easy to miss this peak, especially with a large snow cover. But it's great that you've fixed everything. Enjoy your guests.
July 31st, 2024  
Sounds like a great day of walking!
July 31st, 2024  
It would have always annoyed you if you thought you hadn't complete the Munros properly! Have a great time with you visitors.
July 31st, 2024  
Fabulous - have a good time cooking.
July 31st, 2024  
Fascinating shot. Enjoy your guests!
July 31st, 2024  
The visibility looks much better this time. You sound as though you have a busy time ahead with your visitors
July 31st, 2024  
A fantastic image from your adventure.
Enjoy your company!
July 31st, 2024  
Lovely story and image ...enjoy your entertaining later in the week 📷
July 31st, 2024  
I'm glad you managed to put that right! Looking forward to tomorrow's event photos.
July 31st, 2024  
Glad you put it right, in bad weather I guess it’s easy done! Nice finish capture and enjoy your enertaining
July 31st, 2024  
July 31st, 2024  
Wonderful summit shot. Glad you were able to correct your tally! (I know if it were me it would drive me nuts. 😁)
July 31st, 2024  
Job well done!!
July 31st, 2024  
I guess you have written diary’s to catalog all your climbs & info like conditions etc. Today’s re climb will eliminate that niggle. I’ve only ever ordered a food delivery once years ago as I do like shopping. I out as I thought one pound of apples & I got one!
July 31st, 2024  
I'm surprised that this pile of rocks is considered a shelter. Glad that you could officially check off this and the other two peaks to your list.
July 31st, 2024  
…. And I sunshine too!
August 1st, 2024  
Lovely image, enjoy your weekend!
August 1st, 2024  
Good for you on "righting the wrong" when most of us would have said "good enough!!" Sounds like a good plan to have the food brought in- gives you more time to prep and then enjoy your guests. Nice shot!
August 1st, 2024  
I thought it looked like a pile of rocks in your photo, so looked it up online to see what it is. Interesting.
August 1st, 2024  
Cool capture. Sounds like it's going to be a busy weekend.
August 1st, 2024  
What a grand view!
August 1st, 2024  
OH, I do love your stories!
Always so interesting & I am pleased for you that you went back rectify & to satisfy yourselves.
Enjoy your busy week end!
August 1st, 2024  
@dide Exactly! No-one else would have needed to know, but we would have known, and that's enough!
August 1st, 2024  
@happypat Ha ha ... dad used to do online Tesco shops until he got 5 bags of bananas when he thought he'd ordered 5 bananas! He gave them away to people in the village. Easily done. I won't be doing it regularly, but it was a good way to get all my ingredients to arrive yesterday and let me get on with the cooking/preparing today. :-)
August 1st, 2024  
@randystreat Yes, it is actually hand built (by someone, or various people over the years) as you can get shelter inside the semi circle of rock. The wind howls across this plateau, even on a fine day, and once you sit inside you immediately get out of the wind, as the higher section is orientated against the prevailing wind. We had our lunch in the rock shelter, looking out onto the view in front. The photo doesn't really allow you to see properly, but you enter from where the trig point is.
August 1st, 2024  
There’s always a niggle when you didn’t ’get the shot’. Good luck with all the cooking. The Tesco delivery man is my friend since I gave up my car.
August 1st, 2024  
I think you can allow yourself the occasional convenience! But, good for you for supporting local business. Glad to see you could rectify your past mistake with the Munro.
August 3rd, 2024  
That's a lovely image and nice to revisit especially if it's less challenging than many you have done recently!
Enjoy the Tesco delivery! Certainly easier than carrying a load when a crowd to feed.
August 4th, 2024  
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