Day No 7 for OWO-1. A panorama. We went to find some Zen today, ended here at Sandys Canyon near the Arizona trail. My A6000 wasn't letting me review my images in the field so, a bit of hope and prayer that I got what I wanted. I also had my phone which I used to take some back up shots. The SD card did have the images, thank goodness.
@sdutoit You are so very kind, thank you for the fav.
@ingajohansson Thank you a great deal. The going down into this canyon was steep and I thought that I would really suffer coming back up but, going up is easier on my knees.
@haskar Thank you so much for the fav. There were just a few others there.
@pistache Thank you so much for the fav. I gotta remember to take my pano shots in portrait rather than landscape.
A very classy finale to your OWO collection. I missed out on this theme but I am looking forward to future events of this nature as Summerfield mentioned.
@lsquared Grateful for the fav, thank you kindly. The stillness and quiet of the area was a true blessing.
@eudora Thank you so kindly for the fav. The weather is so Un-November, we have been in the high 60's, no rain or snow. La Nina is firmly in place.
@nickspicsnz Truly grateful for the fav.
@sdutoit You are so very kind, thank you for the fav.
@ingajohansson Thank you a great deal. The going down into this canyon was steep and I thought that I would really suffer coming back up but, going up is easier on my knees.
@haskar Thank you so much for the fav. There were just a few others there.
@pistache Thank you so much for the fav. I gotta remember to take my pano shots in portrait rather than landscape.
@overalvandaan Truly grateful, thank you.