I've Gone Fishing by ladymagpie

I've Gone Fishing

Well actually I was just going to bed last night before I was sidetracked by this. My last port of call was the bathroom when I noticed a black mark on top of the toilet system when I went to press that little button.

I thought I would brush it off, but it suddenly moved a fraction and I realised what it was. Just about half an inch long for this Silver Fish, which isn't a fish but an insect. I didn't need to get my fishing rod out but let it dash away into a dark gap behind the system, seriously I don't kill anything.

The reason being is that God has a clipboard for everyone, and if you kill anything he ticks it off on your board, you know, 1 moth, 3 flies and a worm. When you go to heaven, he checks your board and decides where you go, either a nice place or a dark place.

Do you believe me - keep smiling.
A silver fish ! I haven't seen one of these in years - funny little insect who like the dark ! - nice capture ! fav
June 21st, 2024  
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