For comparison, this is my Flash of Red entry, in its original color. It is amazing to me how different toys are highlighted in the black and white version, compared to the one in color.
I must say, these are much more interesting and fun in color. It doesn't look like they are the range that the Beanie Babies were since this display is completely full.
Yes, this was a good exercise to train your eye to see how color and black and white compare. Although I'm only looking at the thumbnail here, it appears that color was the better choice for this subject. Those little stuffed critters have a lot of personality which seems to come through in color better than black and white.
@mittens@365karly1@henrir@beryl@gilbertwood@carole_sandford@pcoulson@gaylewood@bkbinthecity@elatedpixie Thank you all for your comments and @gaylewood Thank you for the fav! This Hallmark card shop has held on for over a year as the grocery next door closed and half of the shopping center is vacant. We have just learned that an Antique and gift mall is going into the large grocery space. That will help the Hallmark Store owner immeasurably. @olivetreeann thank you, I thought it was an interesting comparison as well, perhaps there’s just so much going on in the photo that black and white couldn’t really separate like color does.
I'm always a bit amazed that prices for Beanies went through the roof when people were "collecting them"... Then the bottom fell out, but here they are...and no longer nearly as cute (IMHO) with those big plastic eyes!
@Weezilou I so agree. There is a Chihuahua with a misspelled tag that is on ebay for $125. People haven’t learned their lesson, for sure. These and Cabbage Patch Dolls! Wowzy!
February 10th, 2018
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