My Book Club’s December meeting yesterday featured the book “Hope, the Adventures of a Diamond”, by Marion Fowler, and reviewed by Fay Willis. An amazing tale of how the gorgeous blue Hope Diamond went from a 110.5 carat diamond that was THE gemstone of French Kings and Queens in the 16th and 17th centuries, to become the first gem in the Smithsonian Gems collection, at a weight of 44 carats. At one point it was sold to a Chinese jeweler to pay the gambling debt of Henry Hope’s nephew! An unbelievable story of French, English and American owners who were a part of its history. Names you would easily recognize, Louis XIIII, Madam Pompadour, Marie Antoinette, Cartièr and ultimately American Harry Winston, who gave it to the Smithsonian. Such an amazing, true story, certainly worth the read. The Christmas decorations were so lovely, it was a lovely holiday affair.
A lovely collage. That does sound like a fantastic read. I viewed the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian a few years ago. It was gorgeous! I would have loved to spend more time in that room that housed so many stunning pieces of jewelry!
A beautiful collage of what must have been a wonderful evening.