Lost for a photo (apart from Yolanda) for this day and collected the evening light on our front yard which includes our caravan. Put it in a watercolour processing with a twist.
I’ve got rather depressed what with the cat and haven’t enjoyed 365 as much as I normally do! It will change…
Three good things;
1 My purchase of a vacuum coffee processing pot arrived at the front door! It makes superb coffee if you get fresh coffee beans and the right strength.
2. Bacon and egg plus fried bread for lunch was a treat. Good solid brown bread and olive oil, works!
3. Cat has proven an enigma - felt a need of professional advice and took her to the vet. She was totally amazed that she could be so good after 2 weeks of not eating! Gave her an injection for anti nausea if that was the problem and an appetite encouragement (via a pill which provoked a major fight from the cat). She now doesn’t look so good….mmmm! The cat, not the vet!
A lovely edit to this shot ! Poor kitty -- I hope the vet's remedy works and both you and Kitty will feel better -- such a worry when a dumb animal can not tell you of their woes !
@flowerfairyann There is quite a bit even though its only a town section Ann. Takes me a couple of hours on our mower, but 20 minutes when the professional mowers do it (two people)!
How clever to call your van Cara Vanski. enjoy reading your your banter with Katy. I like your processing and feel sorry for you kitty....swallowing pills is not as easy as they make it. hope it helps you kitty.
A very artsy view of the caravan- it looks like it's ready to travel again once things settle with the cat. Glad to hear she's taken a little fish. Hopefully that will become more as the days go by.
Not a bad "throwaway" at all. Very sorry to hear about kitty. I hope the medication helps stimulate the appetite. They do have the ability to go awfully long without eating sometimes. Amazing. Hoping for the best!