the portable home copy by mortmanphotography

the portable home copy

Fact: On any night in Australia, about 122,494 people don't have a home (ABS Census 2021).
This encounter was intriguing—a man's entire life packed into a single shopping trolley. His trolley was stuck, and no one was stopping to help. I approached and offered my assistance, but he avoided me, moving to the other side of the trolley. I circled around to ask again, and he shifted away once more, avoiding any contact. Each time I tried to speak with him, he moved further away. There was no attempt at communication from his side. Eventually, I stepped back and watched from the other side of the street. After standing still for a while, he began struggling with the trolley. Finally, he managed to free it and continued on his way, without anyone offering assistance. His entire life was packed into that shopping trolley
I ask: What exactly are Minister for Housing and Suburban Development Yvette Berry and Minister for Homelessness Rebecca Vassarotti doing? Please be transparent and clearly explain how you plan to help these individuals off the streets
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