The last of the primary colors appears in the color wheel challenge today. On to the secondary colors tomorrow.
The processing of this shot followed the same pattern as the previous two. Shot in color, converted to black and white with the color painted back in; exposure, sharpness and saturation tweaked as needed.
@kerristephens @glendq @summerfield @salza @mzzhope @alia_801 @neatz @sangwann @cimes1 @digitalrn @sarasdadandmom @nicolecampbell @luvmynynix
Thank you Kerri, Glendq, Vikki, Sally, Hope, Alia, Anita, Dione, Carole, Rick, Terry, Nicole, and Laurie!
Up next- orange!
Thank you Allison, Katie, Daisy and Brian!
Orange is up next!