A two-for one day: for the black and white challenge by @summerfield and @bill_fe the word "new" for "something that starts with N" (yeah, stretching that just a tad!) and "advertising" for the One Night Stand challenge.
I don't know about you, but whenever I see something that claims it's "new and improved", I get ready to be disappointed!
My thanks to each and every one of you! And thank you especially to those who fav'd! I'm off to camera club tonight and will be back later to check out your pictures!
simply ageless - that's a load of crap. we can't fight age, we just have to be graceful about it. a new acquaintance couldn't believe i don't do anything with my face in the evening except wash it with water. and that i rub my face with a face towel all the time. a lot of women seem to have a ritual morning noon and night. that's why all those girls at the office are always crowding the bathroom sink/mirror. i can't be bothered.
@dibzgreasley Thank you Debs! @summerfield Thanks Vikki! Well, as you know I don't wear very much- just the simple basics and that's it- moisturizer, cover stick, foundation and blush (which is not in this shot). I'm not trying to stop the aging, but I do want to go with a smile of my face!
Garnier is good, but my skin is a little darker..When I found some product which is good for me, I'm dissapointed when I read that it's "new and improved" because it means that now it isn't the same product.
Great shot, Ann. It looks very professional! And I don't believe in any product that says "make yourself look 5 or 10 years younger". That's hooey. It's a gimmick. I am still looking for something I can put on my face that will get rid of my eczema that doesn't have steroids or any ingredient that is similar to steroids. I have tried E45 and had a very bad reaction like I'd been injected with steroids. Anyway...sorry to go on and on. This really is a great shot and you weren't stretching that "N - new" word. :D
My thanks to each and every one of you! And thank you especially to those who fav'd! I'm off to camera club tonight and will be back later to check out your pictures!
@altadc @bkbinthecity @bill_fe Thank you Alta, Brian and Bill!
simply ageless - that's a load of crap. we can't fight age, we just have to be graceful about it. a new acquaintance couldn't believe i don't do anything with my face in the evening except wash it with water. and that i rub my face with a face towel all the time. a lot of women seem to have a ritual morning noon and night. that's why all those girls at the office are always crowding the bathroom sink/mirror. i can't be bothered.
@bill_fe - so true!
@summerfield Thanks Vikki! Well, as you know I don't wear very much- just the simple basics and that's it- moisturizer, cover stick, foundation and blush (which is not in this shot). I'm not trying to stop the aging, but I do want to go with a smile of my face!
Thank you Vesna!
Thank you Bev!