After 71 years of tree times a day a brushing and floss. Twice a year a check up by the dentist I`ve now a PVC one. I do n`t believe advertisements any more. . Great shot and processing anyhow.
@prttblues thanks Bev! I was going to try and keep everything in the same effect as the toothbrush, but that effect just did not look good on all of them so branched out a bit here.
Thank you Leigh Anne, Sandy, Allie, Kerri, Taffy, Phoebe, Amy, Joyce, Alia, Nicole, Rick, Pyrrhula, Janice, Sally, Lee-Ann, Brian, Diane, Francoise and Myrna!
I really appreciate all the great compliments and personal bits- wow! Who would have thought a bunch of dental related shots could be so much fun!
@pyrrhula No advertisement here- just trying to do an artsy shot of some gooey toothpaste!
@alia_801 LOL it does look like glitter paint! But thankfully it does not taste like it!