Took a lot of studying both photos to see how one turned into the other. It really is quite fascinating. You have great post processing skills and a creative mind.
Thank you Kim, Babs, Rob, Dione, Lou Ann, Marilyn, Helen, Jo, Katy, Ferry and Kathy!
This was another shot that was really bad to start with! It took some thinking to come up with this idea. The worst part of the starting shot? It was crooked!! I can't stand it when photographers do that- there's no excuse for it with all the photo programs out there now!
@henrir Thanks Henri! I felt the original photo was tough to work with because it was so busy- but once I zeroed in on the pretty stairs I started coming up with ideas on what to do with them.
Thank you Kim, Babs, Rob, Dione, Lou Ann, Marilyn, Helen, Jo, Katy, Ferry and Kathy!
This was another shot that was really bad to start with! It took some thinking to come up with this idea. The worst part of the starting shot? It was crooked!! I can't stand it when photographers do that- there's no excuse for it with all the photo programs out there now!
Ok, I'll get off my soap box now!