Have gone a little "birdie" after a long, cold winter.
In case you're wondering why it's in black and white, I'll confess. I'd taken the shot of Jeff and the sky in black and white, so everything else had to be converted. It sort of gives the picture a surreal feeling I kind of like! Along with the original there are 6 pictures in this composite plus one texture (the moon). That might be a record for me!
those birds would have devoured jeff in no time! the squirrel would probably leave him alone. the gull and the goose? hehehe! very nice processing. we are bracing for an ice storm here, would you believe?
@summerfield Thanks Vikki! No, it's hard to believe winter is still giving you a fight. I had the back door open today and just loved hearing the birds singing. I was so happy! Hang in there- and I hope it passes over you.
Goodness. A surreal shot.
Thank you so much for the favs Jo and Nicole!
@allie912 @summerfield @littleconnie @louannwarren @henrir @randystreat @grammyn @wendyfrost @golftragic @eudora @robz
Thank you Allison, Vikki, Connie, Lou Ann, Henri, Kathy, Katie, Wendy, Marnie, Diane and Rob!
Thanks to all for the views, comments and favs- all appreciated as you are too!
And no need to worry about Jeff- the minute there was any hint of trouble, I processed him right out of there!