Thank you Katy, Sw, Kerri, Harry, Jenn, Milanie, Phoebe, Diana, Issi, Kathy, Lynda, Marilyn, Haskar, Paul and Ferry!
Leigh is a dream to work with. I just say, "Try something like leaning up against the bridge and pretend you're thinking about something with the ball in your hands" and I get this beauty! Thanks for your views, comments and favs which put it on the PP- much appreciated!
Thank you Katy, Sw, Kerri, Harry, Jenn, Milanie, Phoebe, Diana, Issi, Kathy, Lynda, Marilyn, Haskar, Paul and Ferry!
Leigh is a dream to work with. I just say, "Try something like leaning up against the bridge and pretend you're thinking about something with the ball in your hands" and I get this beauty! Thanks for your views, comments and favs which put it on the PP- much appreciated!
Thank you Kathy!
Thank you Wendy!
Thank you Dorre!
Thank you Vesna!