Left-handers Day by olivetreeann

Left-handers Day

My father's mother (my grandmother) and his wife (my mother) were both lefties. So, I'm posting this picture of my mother in their honor on Lefthanders Day. Interestingly, although she was left-handed, my grandparents apparently insisted she learn how to write right-handed. I wonder if my mother felt that was to her benefit or a source of exasperation as she retrained her brain to write in the opposite way her brain functioned!
A beautiful picture of your mother!

One of my brothers was born left-handed. The prevailing wisdom of the time was to insist lefties use their right hand, so my mother did what she thought was best for Ed. He never did have very good handwriting, though.
August 14th, 2024  
Wonderful photo of your beautiful mother. I’m sure people thought being right handed would be easier in the long run but how difficult it would be to change. I hope nowadays they don’t insist on that!
August 14th, 2024  
Lovely portrait and smile. Interesting narrative too
August 14th, 2024  
Your mom was lovely! Too bad the prevailing thought of the day was to force lefties to change!
August 14th, 2024  
Lovely photo of your mother but I had a bit of trouble working out the relationships in the first sentence, but maybe because I am a right hander??? LOL
August 14th, 2024  
Lovely portrait of your beautiful mother. Back in the day that is what they did.

My daughter is left handed and we left it that way. We were advised that it could affect the brain if one forced it to be different.
August 14th, 2024  
A lovely portrait of your beautiful mum ! My maternal grand mother was left handed - and in those days were forced to be right-handed on school . Yet in her adult life was well and truly a leftie . I am also a leftie, bit thank the Lord ,no one tried to convert me to be a righthanded person . I am what I am !!
August 14th, 2024  
A wonderful photo of your pretty mom. That's an interesting story too.
August 14th, 2024  
I am ambidextrous - I wrote predominantly with my right hand at school and still do but when I hurt my right hand as a young teen I did use my left while it healed. I do remember sewing, knitting etc with my left hand in primary school and the teacher pulling it out and making me start again with my right - it was a constant battle between us. I blame "Cranky Cronk", as we used to call her, and she was always cranky, for my terrible sewing ability to this day.
August 14th, 2024  
August 14th, 2024  
What a beautiful portrait. I love the frame too.
I am ambidextrous, I write with my right hand mainly but most other things I use my left hand equally with my right. I can write with both hands too
August 14th, 2024  
Striking resemblance between you and your grandmother
August 14th, 2024  
She looks like a beauty. Being a left-hander myself, I can totally sympathize with her situation.
August 14th, 2024  
It used to happen a lot in those days, that children had to write with their right hand. Its a lovely portrait.
August 14th, 2024  
Your mother was a beautiful woman and you’ve really captured her beauty. My daughter is left handed.
August 15th, 2024  
@ankers70 This is my mother in the picture- she was left-handed. My dad (her husband) also had a left-handed mother (my Gramma). I just thought it was interesting that the two most important ladies in his life were left-handed.

@eudora @illinilass @edorreandresen @bjywamer @ankers70 @ludwigsdiana @beryl @seattlite @annied @jamibann @onewing @zilli @grammyn @carole_sandford @pbing

Thank you all for the views, comments and favs. My mother didn't seem to mind learning to write, right-handed. But she did everything else leftie which meant always requesting the seat at the end of the table when dining. When my grandmother came for dinner they often sat diagonally across the table from one another so there was no elbow bumping! And yes, she was a beautiful lady both inside and out!

@zilli This is my mother. But some say I favor my grandmother too.

@ludwigsdiana When my older son was little we diligently placed everything in the center so he would be able to choose which hand to pick things up with for a similar reason. For a while we thought he was going to be a leftie because he favored the left hand most of the time. But then, he switched to his right and barely used the left at all. So far, no other lefties have shown up in the family as far as I know.

@annied @onewing That's a handy thing to be! I was trying to develop writing with my left hand once but gave up because my writing was absolutely disastrous with the left hand!
August 15th, 2024  
Writing with the left hand is not rude or dangerous - why change it?
August 15th, 2024  
@vesna0210 Thank you Vesna! I'm not sure why (in the past) it was treated that way. Nowadays no one thinks twice about it and children who are left-handed are taught as they are. It's a bit tricky for them but I think most people realize it's better that they learn it naturally than to be forced otherwise. Yes, why change it?
August 19th, 2024  
I am super dominant right handed, but I admire my several siblings, uncle and father who were/are all lefties. Beautiful image of your mother.
August 20th, 2024  
@shutterbug49 Thank you Debbie!
August 20th, 2024  
My great-grandfather was a natural leftie who was forced to learn how to write with his right. My aunt still has some of his correspondence and his penmanship was beautiful!
August 27th, 2024  
@onewing Me too! Though I very rarely write with my left hand so my writing with that hand is not very good. But I am the same in that I do most things with both hands but write with my right (and technically can with my left). When I got my grandfather's WW2 military records, I learned that he was ambidextrous though he has been dead for decades and I have no idea what/how much he did with each hand.
August 27th, 2024  
@princessicajessica Thank you Jessica!
August 28th, 2024  
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