One man and his big dog went to Woodthorpe Grange Park by phil_howcroft

One man and his big dog went to Woodthorpe Grange Park

It should be to 'mow a meadow' ......but this man and his very large dog were captured on my digital camera in Woodthorpe Grange Park, Nottingham on a beautiful crisp sunny Sunday afternoon.

Shot from a sloping embankment. The man and his dog were walking along the path at the top of the embankment.

The sky was a 'washy' autumn winter light blue white in colour, so I thought a monochrome conversion would work better (my wife, a hard lady to please when it comes to my photographs.. thought the monochrome worked best)

I used the tree to frame the shot, I don't know if I should have left the gap between the tree and the edge or cropped the tree right to the edge ...cropping would have moved the man and dog closer to the edge and would have lost a bit in composition.

The big dog had a sniff at Ruby, the little whippet was all bravado until the dog came over and dwarfed her !!!

Another dog came over aggressively and made a snarling lunge to a scared little whippet.

Great location for a walk, but too many unsupervised dogs on a sunny afternoon

3 good things

1) I gave the car a really good wash and polish this morning
2) ASDA Selling Campo Viejo Crianza for £5-00 a bottle
3) Baked the Christmas Cake (gluten free) this afternoon. The kitchen and house had a wonderful 'christmas cake in the oven' aroma (I didn't know if it is smelled or smelt used aroma) when we returned from our 2 hour walk
Wonderful composition, Phil. This picture has a lot of soul. The framing is lovely and the contrast of spidery branches and the solid shapes of the walkers really adds interest. I'd have to say this was a fav.
November 18th, 2012  
@allie912 thanks allison, i'm pleased you like this composition and it resonates some soul with you, it was shot with care :)...I'll catch up with commenting later tonight ...way behind when you miss a few days !!
November 18th, 2012  
O am making tea but just a quick comment on this one... I think the gap should be as you have it there . I think if you cropped right up to the edge it would shorten the photo & you would lose that perfect line of the silhouette. Its perfect Phil, black & white too ! Big dog!!!
November 18th, 2012  
I need a new key board my O & I are worn out & keep confusing the two!!
November 18th, 2012  
1. Love your monochrome picture composition. Think leaving it uncropped highlights the slope.
2. I thought 'Aroma' sounded posh... now I understand, and think it must be 'smelled' smelt is normally for molten metal(!).
and 3. Love that ASDA are doing the Crianza offer! Must look into that one!
November 18th, 2012  
Love your composition and think the tree is in the right place with gap to the left because it leads the eye on to where the man and dog are walking and beyond. Well done on the Christmas cake! I did our chrissy puddings today - steaming for 6hrs then 2more on the Big Day!
November 18th, 2012  
Huge Dog, striking silhouettes. Nicely done.
November 18th, 2012  
great slhouette - nice composition - got a great feel to it - yay to the fiver for Campo Viejo - my fave! and i love the smell of a baking cake - especially christmas cake! great shot Phil
November 18th, 2012  
Love this, love the monochrome....personally I would have cropped to a mere slither of light showing to the left of the tree and taken out the right bush to balance but thats just my opinion, did lot of holding up of cards to see...emotive subject cropping and can produce so many types of images....but a really fabulous image!! :))
November 18th, 2012  
November 18th, 2012  
I love it! Something about the posture of the man. And poor old Ruby - nasty mean doggies. Cooked our cake last week the. Panicked that it was underdone but I think it's ok.
November 18th, 2012  
No, I think the composition is just right, and I like how you've caught him mid-step. I cooked my puddings today - so a lovely puddingy smell in the house.
November 18th, 2012  
Ok I was wrong.....sorry!!
November 18th, 2012  
fabulous POV Phil, love your title and words too
November 19th, 2012  
Love the silhouettes & the composition Phil! Enjoyed your story to go with it.
November 19th, 2012  
now if I cold just get the song out of my head! haha
November 19th, 2012  
We sang that song to death as kids!!!! A very large dog!!! beautifully done!
November 19th, 2012  
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