Silver-spotted Skipper by rhoing

Silver-spotted Skipper

The only distinctive skipper to me. And rather boring, too.

I haven’t seen a Monarch butterfly this year, despite a healthy plot of milkweed. I mentioned this to my BAMONA regional coordinator in Ohio recently. He replied, “Sadly, although I grow many nectar sources and milkweed in my garden here in north central Ohio, I have not seen a Monarch yet. I know that Monarch numbers were very low in their overwintering quarters in Mexico, down something like 60% from last year I believe which is worrying. In fact the feeling among my fellow naturalists here is that butterfly numbers and diversity are generally low this year :(.” Sad, indeed.

So this “season” I’m determined to keep track of the “diversity” of insects (and spiders, I guess) that come my way. » 2024 bug-and-spider species

» ID’ed: [ BAMONA ] [ BugGuide ]
» Species pages: [ BAMONA ] [ BugGuide ] [ UK Butterflies* ]

* Illustrating the importance of using scientific names over common names, Epargyreus clarus is not present in the UK, although a very-different-looking species with the same common name, “Silver-spotted skipperis present.

[ PXL_20240706_194611152_LE15tm :: cell phone ]

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Drinking up! Wonderful shot.
July 23rd, 2024  
Gorgeous Skipper. Interesting, but sad, that you are seeing fewer than expected Butterflies too, numbers are frighteningly low here for many species.
July 23rd, 2024  
The skipper has a lot of texture in it.
July 24th, 2024  
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