• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - Tonight's Sunset!
2nd Sep 2024 - The Clouds Were Blowing In!
3rd Sep 2024 - One More Shot of Last Night's Sunset!
4th Sep 2024 - One More Sunset From the Other Night!
5th Sep 2024 - Well, Guess You Can Tell, There Was No Sunset Tonight!
6th Sep 2024 - One More Sunset From the Other Night!
7th Sep 2024 - Monochrome Sunset Tonight!
8th Sep 2024 - Sunset at One of My Other Spots!
9th Sep 2024 - Last Night's Sunset!
10th Sep 2024 - Well, Think We Had Clouds Tonight, but Sure Didn't Have any Sunset!
11th Sep 2024 - Had To Go Back Into the Archives!
12th Sep 2024 - Sure Wasn't Expecting This Tonight!
13th Sep 2024 - Had a Little Bit of Color Tonight!
14th Sep 2024 - Clouds and Sunlight!
15th Sep 2024 - The Clouds Moved in Tonight!
16th Sep 2024 - We Did See the Sun for a Few Minutes Tonight!
17th Sep 2024 - More Clouds for the Sunset!