Mrs Woodie by rosiekind

Mrs Woodie

I went up to RSPB at Sandy this morning and the sun shone for a while. However, it has clouded over now so I'm glad I went when I did. I saw this lovely female woodpecker who was quite a distance away but managed to get a few shots. I love the way they hang upside down on the trees.

Thank you for getting all 3 of my images on PP and for all your kind comments and Favs. It is always much appreciated.
Sweet shot of this cute little one!
January 7th, 2020  
Such a lovely bird
January 7th, 2020  
Lovely capture full of colour Rosie:)
January 7th, 2020  
Great capture. Fav!! 😀
January 7th, 2020  
Great shot
January 7th, 2020  
I love that about them too - great shot
January 7th, 2020  
January 8th, 2020  
Great shot.
January 8th, 2020  
A lovely shot.
January 13th, 2020  
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