From day four of our Bosnia holiday - 11th May, 2024.
Fun time for the aged, hehe. There wasn’t a single youngster among the group but we still went for some fun on this wobbly boat. There were four of these boats and each had two seats. Christine didn’t want to take the ride and so it was me, my sister and her husband who were taken on approx. half an hour’s ride along the river and back. Sister and husband chose the seats and I was left with sitting on the bottom of the boat. Getting on the boat was tricky because it was very slippery and we had to get in bare footed. This is a picture taken of us by I don’t know who.
Punting seems to be a new sport for Bosnians. In this area they have a club and members take out guests on their boats at a fee to keep the club going. BTW they call their boat Dayak.
Thank you so much for your views, comments and fav’s on yesterday’s picture.
Looks like a fun ride!
July 4th, 2024  
Your sister doesn't look too sure
July 4th, 2024  
A great way to travel for some, you and your BIL look very comfortable. I doubt I would want to go on one of these ;-)
July 4th, 2024  
Lovely memory of this adventure
July 4th, 2024  
Enormous fun, we have punted a lot in Cambridge
July 4th, 2024  
I don't imagine you could speed in this craft! Good thing!
July 4th, 2024  
Looks like fun.
July 4th, 2024  
A great way to pass the time of day. I love the reflected yellow.
July 4th, 2024  
Great capture. Love floating on the river.
July 4th, 2024  
Great capture
July 4th, 2024  
I tried punting once and my oar kept getting stuck!! Fun photo though, fav.
July 4th, 2024  
So lovely and refreshing looking.
July 4th, 2024  
I love going punting but not sure I'd like this as it looks quite narrow! - lovely capture
July 4th, 2024  
Well I think that looks most uncomfortable. I would find it hard sitting like that. You really caught the short straw but I hope you enjoyed it!
July 4th, 2024  
Oh, we like punting now and again too. Lovely shot
July 4th, 2024  
Great capture sooo much fun! … fun times
July 4th, 2024  
It's nice to see you enjoying yourself along with the others.
July 4th, 2024  
Lol - that looks like a lot of fun and adventure!
July 4th, 2024  
A bit of fun, but the passengers don’t look too sure!
July 4th, 2024  
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