This is a "one minute late" World Wide Minute...SOOC because I spent the evening trying to make room on my drive for more photos (and still working on it). Had to upload straight from my camera this morning... I thought I'd missed the event altogether, but I was trying to wrangle the grandsons to sit still with those amazingly huge lemons from my neighbor's tree!
So there's Dylan, my reluctant helper, but not as uncooperative as the unseen Ashton, racing around the yard!
When life gives you lemons, you take what yo can get!
Wow! Adorable photo and amazing lemons! Just love that precious face! Looks like he can't wait for grandma to click the camera so he can be off on his next adventure! :-)
@Weezilou Yeah, that's it! Chernobyl Lemons! I'm doing well. Managed to drag myself out of the house today and away from the computer for a walk and some pics. Haven't finished my homework yet but I'll get it done before the deadline. Hope you're doing well too!
And yes, Dylan's a cutie pie! I miss my family; they all left yesterday! How are you doing?! Hope to see you again one day soon!