This was another of our typically full days, in that I wanted to have a peek at some rummage sales around the area. It was as though all the churches had conspired this weekend to get half the people to part with their money to help the other half clean out their houses!
After I put away my few new acquisitions, it was back to The Academy this evening for another performance by a duo playing guitar and flute. I may as well say that the track record for excellent performances is so good, we try not to miss anything! I'll post this iris as I have *so may* beautiful flower photos and I've been wanting to use one of them! I spent too long fiddling with this image and it was a rare time the process was more frustrating than relaxing.
I might try getting some rest and come back to a new one on another day!
@maggiemae Actually yes I did : ) The director is a good friend, and while I know he disapproves of photography during the shows, I still do it subtly and he knows I can't help myself! The flutist had two flutes, and one was a bass flute, the likes of which I'd never seen!
@danette Thanks Danette. It's sometimes fun *because* it's time consuming, but I wasn't overjoyed with the result in this case. The process is such that I never know quite how it's going to turn out!