Thanks to all for your kind words and favs on my daylilies.
Once again the Scavenger Hunt is under way. This was my shot for the word "Treasure.
This is as close as I get to a journal. No need to read further. I saw the neurosurgeon yesterday. It seems that all of my lumbar discs are bone on bone. It will be a rod and screw surgery. I have to get a CT scan so he can visualize the bone better and a dexa scan to make sure the bone isn't "jello." Those will be done next week and then I see him again the week after. So - this process is going to take much longer than I am comfortable with. He also wants me to take as few pain pills as possible so they work better post surgically. He said I am going to hate him for about a month, and then I will hug him at every check up. So, until that happens I'll share my hunt shots and whatever else I play with between now and getting this fixed.
I am so sorry to hear your ordeal is going to be more time consuming than you hoped. I will intensify my prayers for you.