Your Most Popular Photo? March 31st - April 6th

April 8th, 2012
What photo that you posted this week was the most popular with other people?

Popular being however you define it, views/comments/fav's...whatever made you think the photo was the most liked one this week by others!

Hmmmmmm I don't find any obvious standouts in my 3 albums/3 themes this week, I have 2 with fav's but I suppose this one since it has the most views & comments & I think most enthousiastic comments. Which I find surprising as it is certainly not my favorite lol.

April 8th, 2012
This one has had my most views and one fave... so I guess it was my most popular for the week... An old relic from WW2.

April 8th, 2012
i don't really have a whole lot to choose from, having only uploaded three photos in that week. However, this one has had the most views on this site and Flickr and I think it's one of my favourite pictures I have ever taken.

April 8th, 2012
this one!
April 8th, 2012
this week there was a clear favorite :)

April 8th, 2012
Definitely this one.

April 8th, 2012
Definitely this one =)
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
This is my clear winner this week. What thrills me the most about it is the fact it is FILM instead of digital. One of the first shots out of my Mamiya RB67 Pro-S. I took a picture of the Mamiya while it was taking this shot, seen here:

April 8th, 2012
@bobfoto Been there! Was that taken during our visit?
April 8th, 2012
@tamsg4 Pensive and melancholy... nice :)
April 8th, 2012
@msk1p2 Well he is lovely!!

@timtam_adams Thanks ;)

@lolanae I love that!

@tanja_1211 Wow amazing detail!!

@tigerdreamer Gorgeous shot!
April 8th, 2012
Here's mine with 36 views and 1 fave

April 8th, 2012
@tamsg4 thanks Tams
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
@timtam_adams - it was Tim. Just after the Tavurvur eruption!
April 8th, 2012
This one seemed to best one.

April 8th, 2012
@grizzlysghost It is looks like a little mountain scene model to me!
April 8th, 2012
This one :)

April 8th, 2012
My Easter Bug.

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
Absolute runaway. Nothing else even came close...
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
I'll have to go with this one. It had the most views.

April 8th, 2012
This one had the most views....
April 8th, 2012
This didn't get the most views, but got 2 favs. So I'm going with this, cause I want to!
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
This one taken with Fuji Velvia Film
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
well... Perfect equality for that two pics

April 8th, 2012
joint win by these two

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
This one had the most views comments and favs. I get that its quite pretty but it was the one that took the least thought and what thought it did get was humph need a photo, oh the sun is setting, that will do...
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
I agree, not my favorite but by far most views & fav's.
April 8th, 2012
I like this shot but it wasn't my favourite but it seemed to be the most popular of my photos this week.
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
I had a pic with close to 50 favs, but this one with 37 and counting I think got the most "buzz":

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
This one got the most views so I guess it's this one

April 8th, 2012
The stats tell it's this one:
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012

April 8th, 2012
@lluniau Lol, I think it just shocked us all into commenting and viewing ;-)
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012

April 8th, 2012
@rosiekind This little fellow made the popular page and also the sign in page so I was really pleased.
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
For me it's tihs little guy!

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
That'll be this one
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
this was my most popular shot of the week, with 1 fav!

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
This seemed to get a lot of views - not really sure why!

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
Most views and Fav's
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
This one and it made it to the PP!
April 8th, 2012
My most popular one since beginning the project happened to be this week.

April 8th, 2012
This one got the most views. I wish now that I'd edited out that black thing floating in the middle of the water, it bugs me so much.

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
This one had the most views and 1 fav.

April 8th, 2012
this one seems to be going down well

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012

April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012

I think the comments on this were too much fun, hubby giving me the "look" that told our boys to shape up!
April 8th, 2012
@elke that is brillant! @velina Love it @juleswoome What a bird! @lauralatham LOL did you ask him to turn? Awesome shot of everyday life
April 8th, 2012
April 8th, 2012
It was very close between two of my photos, but this one had a few more views.
April 8th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
@krissym Really lovely!
April 9th, 2012
@tamsg4 Thanks :)
April 9th, 2012

i dont know about the picture but the story that goes with the photo is definitely popular
April 9th, 2012
this one of mine got the most fav's and comments
April 9th, 2012
This is mine, most fav'd this week..

April 9th, 2012
most views...

April 9th, 2012
most views and a fav
April 9th, 2012
Right on the sixth:
April 9th, 2012
I would guess this one

April 9th, 2012

April 9th, 2012
@krissym That is a lovely shot! :)
April 9th, 2012
@twinsplusone Wow really cool one! :)
April 9th, 2012
@kerristephens Awesome shot love it!
April 9th, 2012
funny how the one I liked the least of mine, was the highest rated with others...goes to show how critical we can be of our own work...

April 9th, 2012
This one :)

April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012

April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
This one has the most view but not really my favorites.
April 9th, 2012
April 9th, 2012
Here is Mine.. Its my first one of my second 365 project, since i finished my first one on march 31st :-D
April 9th, 2012
April 10th, 2012

Viewed 53 fav'd 2 can't seem to get past the single digits, but I think some thought this was a good capture.
April 10th, 2012
@chriswang That is awesome!

@tkeen Wow that looks like it should be in Wonderland ;)

@shirljess He's lovely!
April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
ppl seemed to like this one. i am quite pleased with how it came out, with low light conditions and no flash
April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
Hasn't been a very good week for me as I'm totally without any inspiration at all but here's my most popular for the week:

April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
This one has had the most views and comments :)

April 10th, 2012
This was viewed 62 times and fav'ed 5, but didn't make the pop page. SOOC.
April 10th, 2012
I guess mine was this one :D

April 10th, 2012
Most viewed for the week:

April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
April 10th, 2012
This one. It is not a "real" selfie as my mum took the picture but with my camera and with me in it. It got quite some attention which made me really happy :)

April 10th, 2012
April 11th, 2012
This picture was actually posted on March 30 but I'm submitting it anyway since it has gotten so many more hits than my work usually does:
April 11th, 2012
April 11th, 2012
@chauncygirl How interesting, what is it!?
April 11th, 2012
here it's mine:

April 11th, 2012
April 11th, 2012
@tamsg4 Glad you like it! Its the water droplets from the condensation collecting on the inside of my little windowsill greenhouse. :)
April 11th, 2012
April 11th, 2012
April 11th, 2012
April 11th, 2012
@chauncygirl Ahhh very cool!
April 11th, 2012
This one 'cause I was in a snit and it just felt right!
April 11th, 2012
viewed 46 times and fav'd 5 times
April 11th, 2012
April 12th, 2012
Actual DEAD BIRD... :(

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