
April 28th, 2012
Most of my fav's are instantaneous. I get a feeling as soon as I see the thumbnail that this shot will be a fav. Occasionally I need to see the enlarged image before I fully appreciate it. I never, ever, fav because other people have fav'd, fav'ing is a very personal thing for me although sometimes I fav shots I see on the PP even if I don't follow the person. So here's the thing, I noticed the other day that I now have over 1000 fav's. Is this excessive? Tell me how many fav's you have and the latest shot you fav'd. Here's mine by @rich57

April 28th, 2012
not excessive at all,,its all about personal choice,just like you described. I haven't a clue how many faves I have collected,,but I do know that I like to go back and look at them over again. I get lots of inspiration from them, and I just enjoy them too.
April 28th, 2012
I Fav a lot, I fav everything I want to look at again, the things that make me go Wow, or even a technique that I want to try, For me Favs are
win-win, I can easily find interesting photos that I want to see again and the person receiving knows that I appreciate their photograph or technique

the photos by @maiuniverse blow me away, they are actual photos of a salt lake in Bolivia
April 28th, 2012
I have 100 fav's and this is my 3rd year. Here's the last one that got into my favourite's file
April 28th, 2012
I just faved the pic above by @maiuniverse after I saw it on here! That makes 380.
April 28th, 2012
I just went through my favs. I have a fondness for emotions. I don't think this person is doing the project anymore. We didn't follow each other. I still love it.
April 28th, 2012
I have 100 Favs and im only a few months into my project....
This is the last one i fav'd by @gabrielklee,
April 28th, 2012
I have 292 faves, I never fave because others have and I still love every fave! Heres my 292nd by Michelle Young (@michelleyoung), I love the image and its great to see her back. : )
April 28th, 2012
I have 86 fav's. this is the most recent, I have a love affair with sunsets! If a photo grabs me, I fav it, thats it!
April 28th, 2012
And I just fav'ed the one by @rich57 after seeing it here and that makes 894!
April 28th, 2012
I have 41 favs and have been on the project for 98 days. This was my last one:

April 28th, 2012
I fav very much on gut instinct...I see it, I love it...and I have an enormous number of faves. They are all shots that I want to go back to. This is my latest. (as of just before I looked at this commentary thread) @aslessknownsu
April 28th, 2012
@swilde thank you! I'm the same. Gut instinct is good.
April 28th, 2012
@psychographer: You are a most appreciative person!! I have about 250 faves and thought that was a lot! I only fave if it strikes a big chord with me. They are lovely to look back through when I can find a minute. (hahah) This is the latest one, from Nan @catwhiskers who is doing wonderful stuff with her Hipsta at the moment.... thought the clouds, light, reflection, colour were all wonderful!

April 28th, 2012
I am like you Lisa and fav photos that I like and that jump out at me as soon as I see them. This is the most recent photo I have fav'd by @kaustin.

April 28th, 2012
I have 141 fav's. This is the most recent shot and I just giggle! He's so fantastic. It's by @kdclaypool
April 28th, 2012
I have 44 fav and this is my latest by @paoloricciuti

April 28th, 2012
I have 1385, but follow very many people.

April 28th, 2012
I'm 9 months in with nearly 200 favs, this was my last by the wonderful Angelina Lovington @f365 . I'd be interested to know if there was any way of working out the totsl site average , ie favs per month or week or something.

April 28th, 2012
I have a lot, considering I'm a relative newbie. I often find I'm the only one - but looking back at my favs I love them all.


This is my latest


April 28th, 2012
So far, I have fav'ed 145 photos. (And I'm 159 photos into my own project.) Fav'ing for me is a case of "falling in love at first sight". So I guess it's personal. I have fav'ed photographs where I was the only one fav'ing it. I suppose that should be the case since what appeals to one person may not always appeal to another.

The latest photo I've fav'ed is of Linda's egret. @grannysue

April 28th, 2012
I agree with you Lisa, I am selective about my fav's, sometimes it's a feeling, sometimes it's the colour, the moment....many factors make up my mind. Often it's a memory the photo gives, the tones, the feel.
My latest fav is by @ulpiphotos, I just love her use of colour and emotion.

April 28th, 2012
I have 908's.That's quite a lot.here's the last one:
April 28th, 2012
I've got 4 fav's =/
My most recent fav is by @mercurialspirit ...

I followed the recipe and it's fab!
April 28th, 2012
Here was my most recent fav (well, before I visited this thread lol) by @flagged
April 28th, 2012
I have 72, and I'm in my second year. Although I love many, many photos on this site, I only fav pictures that really wow me for some reason or another, it could be the skill shown, the technique, or even a picture that makes me smile :)

@rich57 provided my latest :)
April 28th, 2012
I'm on my second year and have 609 favs - the latest one below. I was so dead tired yesterday that seeing this picture brought me a little peace - and the colours are so dreamy. So, total fav. I would probably have way more favs but don't have a lot of time for 365 - usually just post my shot and run. :)


April 28th, 2012
i have 116 fav's, no 115 was this its just a fun shot and i love it
April 28th, 2012
I have 176 Fav's. Probably would have been more, but early on in my project I didn't really know about it.

I know a FAV the second I view one. It's an emotional gut feeling.

This was my most recent FAV but Ellen Young:

April 28th, 2012
This is my last Fav by Richard @rich57
I fav a lot! I follow many people with wonderful images:)
April 28th, 2012
April 28th, 2012
I have 674 one month into my second year. I agree that it must be personal.

My most recent by @cocobella
April 28th, 2012
All of my FAVs are stunning photos that speak to me. This is my most recent by Brad Johnson ( @bradsworld ).

April 28th, 2012
I have 353 favs and my most recent one was

by @autumnseden
April 28th, 2012
By @ ehlkhee this morning for a total of 816 I tend to FAV something I would like to see on my wall!
April 28th, 2012
By @angeltheboy

I could easily favorite almost everything in his whole album lol
April 28th, 2012
I have 474 FAV's, I fav whatever I want whenever I want!!! ;-P And hmmmm 4/74 is the day I was born, how funny :D

The last one on my fav page is this one by @monika64
April 28th, 2012
I only have 107 fav's. I tend to be very stingey with my fav's. Here's the latest by @katiebrenkert
April 28th, 2012
@binny oh wow, thank you!
April 28th, 2012
My latest fave.

April 28th, 2012
I have 195 Favs...if it makes me go Wow! I fave :)
My latest on is by @aleksandra
April 28th, 2012
My last favourite was this one

April 28th, 2012
I have 432 favs and I fav for different reasons and I agree with @psychographer that it is a very personal thing. Here is my latest one:
April 28th, 2012
I have 23 FAV'S, here is my last one.

April 28th, 2012
I have 654 favs. Coincidentally, I've posted 654 photos.

Here's my latest fave by @catwhiskers I love this B&W (gee, I wonder why?) ;-)

April 28th, 2012
@webfoot Wow, thanks Paul, I'm honored!
April 28th, 2012
I just posted my 324th photo and I have 862 FAVs. I would probably have a couple thousand if I really saved all of my favorites. There is just so much talent her I can't help it! My latest fav is by @cornefunproject
April 28th, 2012
118 favs and this is my last one @fueast

April 28th, 2012
I just spotted this on the latest page and had to make it my 69th fav....from @wickedsweets

April 28th, 2012
@russianblue Thank you Kass, I never expected to see one of mine on here! :)
April 28th, 2012
I have 360 favs....My taste is diverse, which is reflected in my favs. I fav anything I would like to be able to look at again without going to someone's page and searching for it. It does not have to speak to me... if that was the case, I'd hardly have any favs.... I fav what makes me go "wow" or "omg".... I fav something because it is technically flawless.... I fav something because it is original.....I fav something because I can imagine it on a calendar, in a magazine, in a museum, on a greeting card, etc. I would never be finicky with favs because for me, personally, that seems almost self centered. Also, there are people on here that are self proclaimed novices and when I see them post a photo that is a dramatic improvement, I fav it, because they deserve the kudos. A fav can serve as a motivational tool, and/or as inspiration to the people that are newer to the hobby.

My most recent fav:

April 28th, 2012
@neptune has fantastic shots - and only 78 or so followers - she really deserves to be seen by more people - so here is one of hers that I have fav'd

April 28th, 2012
I have 1984 faves.
This is my last fave:

@moirab has some great stuff!
April 28th, 2012
I have 1 726 fav in almost 2 years! and this is my last one from @pinktornado39

April 28th, 2012
@5unflow3r Thank you so much! You are too kind :oD Big grin!!
April 28th, 2012
This was my latest fave as well...
April 28th, 2012
I am very stingy with favs. I only have 24 so far!
April 28th, 2012
Either that or I just don't get around much, because I think if I did I would have many, many more!
April 28th, 2012
@mandyj92 I love this too - thanks for sharing! It tells a complete story so simply :) (the hands = Three Generations by Giselle Lawler) @giselle
April 28th, 2012
@amyhughes this is so sad!!! But beautifully haunting as well (Torn by Chris Wang) oh my goodness - he was the very first person to comment on a pic of mine! Thanks for sharing :) @chriswang
April 28th, 2012
@kareen Wow thanks so much for the mention!
April 28th, 2012
April 28th, 2012
@tamsg4 Aww thanks Tams, It was lovely to see my pic up here.
April 28th, 2012
I have 33 fav's in my fourth month (plus one from this thread). This was my latest fav

But this is my absolute fav

It has haunted my thoughts for many hours!
April 28th, 2012
I'm 484 days into the project and have fav'ed 162 photos.
This is my most recent one:

April 28th, 2012
generally my favs are instantaneous as well... i almost never consider whether others have fav'd or not... i fav things that i really like and will want to look at again, capture something or display a technique i might try to emulate some day, or that just plain ol' make me laugh...

i've been around for 4 months now and have 178 favs...

this is my latest fav... by @victorypuzzle

April 28th, 2012
93 favs... here is my latest by @judithdeacon
April 29th, 2012
I have 31 fav's and this was my last one
April 29th, 2012
@pj Very cool glad u like :)
April 29th, 2012
I've found myself to be a little stingy with my fav's. I have no idea why. But, I fav instantly it seems. Here is my latest, just done a minute ago by @edie
April 29th, 2012
I am well into my third year so I have loads of favs (1,081 of them!). I fav for lots of reasons - my latest was faved immediately because it made me smile. Thanks, @gurry!

April 29th, 2012

I fave for lots of reason's also..I am just going into my 5th month here and have 480 fave's I thought that was alot untill i saw some of your number's!! Love to FAVE!! because there are so many photo's that instantly put me in awe! This is one of my most recent one's by @nikki
April 29th, 2012
@nikkic..love this one..
April 29th, 2012
269 for me.

April 29th, 2012
My last fav was for Ariel @carmel. I have a lot of favs - like 1600 - but I have over 700 followers and get up to 100 comments on my pics so I cover an incredible number of other people's pics a week:

April 29th, 2012
@pocketmouse provided me with my 200th +fav
April 29th, 2012
April 29th, 2012
April 29th, 2012

This is my last fave!
April 29th, 2012
@petra Thank you so much!
April 29th, 2012
I have 568 fav's and this is my latest by @nyusha :

Such a wonderful picture!
April 29th, 2012
Number 717 for me:

Just love the cuteness :)
April 29th, 2012
My latest fav
April 29th, 2012
@mummarazzii Thank you Lisa! I'm so honoured to have gotten a mention from you :)
April 29th, 2012
Some days I fav a lot, others not so much, but each time I fav I either love the shot from the first glance, am amazed by a technical aspect of the shot or feel some sort of emotion when I see it. I have 197 fav's and this is my most recent by Marie @marieooi

April 29th, 2012
My latest fav @aleksandra :)

April 29th, 2012
106 fav', and my last one is this one, like you Lisa (@psychographer) :)

April 29th, 2012
I have decided to allow myself one fav a day - but that will be hard!
April 29th, 2012
@mantha hey, thanks samantha!
April 29th, 2012
This is not my latesl fav, but i like it a lot. Very well executed photo.

April 29th, 2012
I have 593 favs and usually I FAV instantly as the image makes me say "Wow!" out loud and/or I immediately wish that I had taken it! This was my latest from @bugik

April 29th, 2012
I have 82 fav's and my las one is by @paulaag
April 29th, 2012
I've faved and even 200 and here is my latest fav by @marlboromaam

April 29th, 2012
@sharritta You are just too sweet, Sharon! Thank you!
April 29th, 2012
254 ..a heart string photo ..my latest fav
April 29th, 2012
I have 414 FAVS, here is my latest one from today. I seem to average about 1 per day.....
April 29th, 2012
169 since the first of the year... my latest fav is....
April 30th, 2012
I have 96, this is my latest by @cmuir1963
April 30th, 2012
I have 440 favs and this is my latest from today by @kenteroo:
I always fav straight away, based on my first impression.

April 30th, 2012
470 FAVs in 21 months on this project & this is my latest, @Corne - a new person in in 365 . I have to like it straightaway for me to Fav it.

April 30th, 2012
@lynne3804 Thanks much, Lynne. It's so sweet of you. xx
April 30th, 2012
@zferrie Thanks a lot for the fave, Zoe!!
April 30th, 2012
178 fav's and the latest is @thebluegnu ... I love this shot!

April 30th, 2012
@ozziehoffy Ahh - thank you thank you Cassandra ;)
April 30th, 2012
No, not excessive at all! I am in Year 2 and have over 2000 favs to date, but like you I only fav the ones that I truly love not because of the person. Here is my latest
April 30th, 2012
April 30th, 2012
I have around 720 and this is the last one I faved, by judith ( @halkia ) Love it!
April 30th, 2012
@herussell thanks a lot Hope, iam honored ;)
May 1st, 2012
lol I have 1492 favs:) here is my latest:

May 1st, 2012
This is my latest FAV by @edie :-)

May 1st, 2012
I already have 171 fav's Here is my latest one. I LOVE this shot.
Helen was on vacation so she is catching up loading her shots but she downloaded this one today.
She is really a great photographer so check out her work.

May 1st, 2012
I have 72 only. This one is my latest.... from @espyetta

May 1st, 2012
@jreyna Thank you Jacqueline. My first photo posted by someone else!
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