Two school photos today & this one is my old school where I was taught from the age five years until I was almost seventeen.
A convent school for all girls where they were quite modern in their outlook when I look back. We were even taught ballroom dancing although some of us had to be the man which wasn't too good in later life !!
It is now a Paul Heathcote restaurant called The Olive Press & it was very entertaining going in for a meal for the first time.
I was disappointed that the guy behind the motor bike got in the way, he spoils the line unfortunately!!
Oh my word - I can hardly look!! The Opposition!! Monica, my best school friend, says it's a great restaurant though and she lives in London so probably has posh tastes!! I can't remember which way the Catholic College was - to the right? I'm sure Winckley was much nicer inside than there, Lark Hill certainly was though they both had a rat problem outside!!! It's a very elegant part of town - I miss it!
@judithg Yes very elegant but had to crop this hard as there were so many for sale signs up !!! Catholic College to the right further up the hill...very out of bounds !!!!! We hadn't to even look at the boys & funnily enough we didn't bother about them, must have been very virtuous in those days !!!
@happypat Maybe they were just a bit spotty!! @jmj Ooh which school? It wouldn't have been hockey for us though - no pitch. And sport was well down Sr Gabriel's list of priorities after sciences, arts, humanities, virtue, music and art - more or less in that order!!
@jmj@judithg Yes I used to play hockey !! You were at Queen Elizabeths Lytham Jennifer ? We used to go in crocodile through Avenham Park, across the river along the side of the railway track to our sports were worn out before you got there !!
@happypat@judithg Queen Mary's Lytham. Our hockey pitches were more or less on the sand dunes! Our cross country runs were along the beach. I spent most Saturdays trekking round Lancashire playing other schools at hockey .. obviously not St. Gabriel's though!
@jmj Judith was at Lark Hill Jennifer , Sister Gabriel was a nun !! They were down at the other end of town to us &'' rivals '' Fun days !!! I can't remember playing Queen Mary's but easily could have done although I think you could be a bit younger than me !