This time of the year we tend to have Christmas trees on our minds. The deciding when to put up the one we already have or deciding to buy a real one, buying said tree & then putting it up with all the artistic effort we can muster.
One of the prettiest scenes at Castle Howard was the glimpses of all the lit trees dotted about & peeping through the other trees.
Three good things:
1. A very enjoyable evening last night.
2. I won a very large bottle of Prosecco from a ticket we were each given.
3. Candles.
I do wonder how they got the lights to go in this dark afternoon! Maybe solar powered. If it is real, then they probably have to water it - I saw a video on how dry a Xmas tree can get and how quickly it can go on fire then whoopee! Lost everything!
@maggiemae All these reds had electric cables coming out of the ground, you can just see the wire righ5 at the front of the photo. Yes they are a risk, we don5 hav3 ours on unless we are in the house & definitely off at night. Can’t help remembering* though when I was a child having real candles that you clipped onto the branches & for a special ten minutes we used to light them at night. Would never be allowed these days!