Nisse goes to Balmoral by jamibann

Nisse goes to Balmoral

Nisse was feeling a little left out yesterday. He reminded me that it's 2 years since he moved to Ballater to live with us, and he's never been to Balmoral. So, I thought it was as good a day as any to go. I had two plans. A walk around the Balmoral Cairns and lunch at the nearby Tarmachan café. The rain came on quite heavily as we arrived in the car park, so we waited it out (Nisse very impatiently ...) and then went for our walk once it was a bit less wet. Our lunch was thwarted, however, as the café was closed due to a power outage in the area yesterday morning. However, a good day was had by all and Nisse fair enjoyed himself once he got out and about. More on that tomorrow.
Oh boo to the rain and the power outage! But glad Nisse enjoyed himself. Balmoral! I shall get there one of these days. It is so iconic and sounds so beautiful.
December 21st, 2023  
A wonderful capture of Nisse sitting patiently in the corner and waiting for some action! Sorry to hear that he got no lunch, especially the reason. Looking forward to the follow up ;-)
December 21st, 2023  
Nisse has had an eventful day for his first trip to Ballater
December 21st, 2023  
So delightful :)
December 21st, 2023  
So pleased that Nisse had a good day
December 21st, 2023  
Great story! Pity the weather didn't play ball.
December 21st, 2023  
No matter, I think Nisse enjoys where ever you take him & what ever you do. He is a delight!
December 21st, 2023  
Very nice- good you could go in the car
December 21st, 2023  
December 21st, 2023  
It sure looks like a wet day out, glad you enjoyed yourself anyway!
December 21st, 2023  
Cool character and lucky to have such adventures!!!! Perhaps I could introduce this concept to Neil when he comes to stay for a few days after Christmas 😄
December 21st, 2023  
Very cool indeed. Great shot.
December 21st, 2023  
haha....he's a little dear. I guess you have wind and rain a-plenty today too....
December 21st, 2023  
Sooo enchanting, cute photo… looking forward to tomorrows news
December 21st, 2023  
So eventful for him!!
December 21st, 2023  
Should have had a packed lunch Nisse……hope you both stayed fairly dry. Love his hat pulled down so low!
December 21st, 2023  
Sounds like fun despite the weather
December 21st, 2023  
He found a nice corner. But he was probably more interested in the driver than the road.
December 21st, 2023  
THAT is so adorable, and I love the playful plans for the day! The gnomes have become a part of holiday decor, even in SoCal...they're just ridiculously cute!
December 21st, 2023  
We have to take care of all family members.
December 21st, 2023  
very cute
December 22nd, 2023  
Such an intrepid fellow!
December 22nd, 2023  
Glad Nisse had a good day out. Cute capture.
December 22nd, 2023  
Lucky Nisse. You’ll have to return on a nicer day for a longer walk and lunch.
December 22nd, 2023  
Fun shot and story!
December 22nd, 2023  
@sarah19 Oh, I bet Neil would love that. Think of all the places you could go. Everyone needs a Nisse in their lives! ;-)
December 22nd, 2023  
@cutekitty Oh, yes, neither Nisse nor I went out yesterday! It was a day for catching up with indoor stuff.
December 22nd, 2023  
Nicely done, I'm glad Nisse eventually got to go exploring.
December 22nd, 2023  
I like your storytelling, and it's a great image for a wet day
December 22nd, 2023  
he looks at home on your dashboard Issi
December 22nd, 2023  
A good day. Glad he was being a good passenger and I hope he enjoyed his outing.
December 23rd, 2023  
I can see the excited anticipation...
December 23rd, 2023  
Such a cute fellow- I'm glad you took him out and about!
December 28th, 2023  
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