Worked today on the concepts of high ISO and theme-about me. Highish ISO made the photo grainy, and the quilt is made by someone else, so I considered this a not-so-good attempt at either challenge. I had gone to the attic (darkish) to try to high iso, and because that room is "all about me" in the sense that it's my hobby room: quilting, knitting, photography, reading, music, etc.
Years ago, I bought an antique quilt and love it for its unfinished state. Here, I show part of it flipped over so that you see the unfinished backside on the left, and the front of the quilt is shown processed in black and white. It's somewhat of an unexpected use of the contrast of b&w with color in depicting front/back -- but I want to emphasize the back. If you look closely, you can see that there are unbelievably small stitches, all done by hand. The paper that was placed by the original quilter to create the scalloped hexagon shape is still in the quilt, tattered and disintegrating, but visible.
Thanks to the genius creative, Carl, at Apple Store Old Orchard, for his vision and help in rescuing what I thought was a hopeless photo and helping me develop it into a visual story.