We went for a drive to Richmond, a small town outside Hobart. There was the ubiquitous "i" sign so in anticipation we planned to stop to get recommendations for lunch but instead, there was only a pole with information printed on the history of the town on it. Suddenly, I heard the unmistakeable sound of galahs flying overhead -- and they were headed towards a very tall tree across the street. Clearly, someone fed them -- and we were invited into the backyard to see them. What beautiful birds. And I'll bet that @janepittenger and @taffy could show me how to get rid of that chain in the background and replace it with a lovely background.
@tibles@gilbertwood -- I'm in Tassie and enjoying it very much! All I know is that the south is so engaging I haven't made it out of Hobart area yet and it looks like a return trip is warranted to explore the east and north. @taffy are you interested?
@tibles -- I'm really sad not to meet you -- I tried to figure out a way to get up north (without driving) and the bus is $30 so that was affordable but it meant riding half a day and riding home half a day. So, next time! I'm thinking of taking a photo course in TAssie -- the kind where you stay for 4-5 nights in a national park. Have you done one?
Oh, and thanks for the fav -- but seeing this galah must be like me seeing a robin in my yard!
Oh, and thanks for the fav -- but seeing this galah must be like me seeing a robin in my yard!
I love galahs...this is a gorgeous image...chains and all 😊