@777margo@terryliv@lyndamcg -- thank you for your comments. I loved how the tree framed the gate, and how the sun setting lined up so well with the departing people. But I had no idea of what @annied@888rachel informed me of, and the quick reading I just did online about it makes me very sad that the massacre happened at all, but that it hangs a cloud over the historical place apart from its already tainted past as a prison.
@islambad -- this was the only photo I considered posting. I found the place historically significant but just couldn't figure out how to not make my photos look like a documentation shot. What did you hate about Port Arthur?
@islambad -- We shouldn't ever forget the origin with convicts or the shootings, but perhaps this is a peaceful way to consider how we can remember - and hope for better futures?
The lighting casts a rather benevolent glow on a grim and chilling place. As you'd well know conditions there were very harsh during the convict era, followed by the Martin Bryant mass murder there in 1996. It was that terrible crime that led to our then PM very swiftly passing even stricter gun laws than we'd had before.
What a beautiful shot of a place that appears fraught with difficult memories. Of course, I had to read about it to learn more of the horrific events which occurred in the town. As we suffer from a surfeit of guns and random violence in the US, I would prefer to see the last rays of the setting sun as a symbol of the end of events such as these.
@jyokota US gun laws, more accurately lack thereof (?), is beyond my comprehension and that of every one I know. Absolute disbelief in our media coverage of the succession of gun mass murders, cops shooting people willy-nilly etc, etc. Must confess the thought of so many loose guns in the US rather puts me off going there despite the 365 friends I'd love to meet and places I'd love to see.
Port Arthur is my favourite place to visit ... yes there has been tragedy there but it is a place that is full of history and emotion. this picture is just amazing!!!!!
Really zings on black
@golftragic @rosiekerr -- I wish the US would have strict gun laws, and frankly, I can't believe that all the violence suffered in the US hasn't had much impact on gun laws.