Meet Augustus Gloop. by ladymagpie

Meet Augustus Gloop.

After the storms the sun suddenly came out so I decided on a walk along part of the canal that hasn't been restored yet. I was actually looking for a geocache that had evaded me for a couple of visits, this time I read the clue properly and I found it easily.

A few yards further on I spotted this floating dredger, aptly named "Augustus Gloop" belonging to The Cotswold Canal Triust, the muck and gunge dredged out of the canal is really Gloopy, hense the dredgers name.

I then had a discussion with a gentleman who was out for a lunchtime walk on how they got it there. Miles to it left were dense reeds and mud, the same to the right, so it wasn't floated in. The towpath was very narrow so we decided it must have been craned in over a fence from an adjoining industrial site. Either way it's going to do a wonderful job. Best viewed with the black background.
What an interesting machine. I don't believe I've ever seen one.
December 10th, 2014  
Nicely captured. Haven't seen one of those before
December 10th, 2014  
Very interesting machine. Also something new to me.
December 10th, 2014  
What a neat and colorful contraption! Well captured and I enjoyed reading about it. I had no idea what it was.
December 10th, 2014  
Very modern compared to what they have on Chichester Canal where I go in the summer.
December 10th, 2014  
Wonderful machine. Thanks for the additional comments re Laurie Lee, interesting, I also liked, 'As I walked out one summer morning', and his journeys through Spain. Unique person.
December 10th, 2014  
Very interesting machine, nice bright colourful image.
December 10th, 2014  
Very interesting! Nothing like Augustus Gloop over here in the land of OZ :)
December 10th, 2014  
@fugitivemoments @carolmw @gadaza @linnypinny @snoopybooboo @ivan @rubicon @gilbertwood Thank you all for your comments and FAV, always appreciated.
December 10th, 2014  
What an interesting machine. Could be a hovercraft if it moved fast. But I suspect it doesn't
December 11th, 2014  
Fascinating machine for a specialized purpose. Great capture.
December 11th, 2014  
The dredger is the best part of 50 years old now and was made in Germany by a company called Weri. The Cotswold Canals Trust have had owned it since the early 1980s. As to how it got there... believe it or not it comes with its own set of wheels so it can be towed!
December 11th, 2014  
@imulford Thanks for the info, unfortunately there was no way it could have been towed to where it was. Towpath much to narrow and the reeds were either side of it. Must have been craned in.
December 11th, 2014  
Great shot and reflection. Nice pop of green
December 11th, 2014  
Great capture of this strange looking contraption.
I worked for British Waterways many years ago but never saw a dredger like that!
December 11th, 2014  
Good thing you found the geocache always fun when it brings you to new places! What an intersesting looking machine!
December 11th, 2014  
What a great find, I love the reflection
December 11th, 2014  
a truly green machine ,very original find
December 12th, 2014  
Great find! That is quite a machine.
December 13th, 2014  
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