Striped Wintergreen - Chimaphila maculata - Best viewed magnified
And there's a dozen or more of these tiny plants growing wild under the pine and scrub oak trees in my front yard! This pictured little plant is bearing its winter fruit! This summer, when it bloomed with these tiny white lilly-like blossoms, I had to find out what the heck this plant was! It's a native plant, also known as "pipsissewa"... sounds like an indian name to me! It has medicinal purposes, and is still used as flavoring in candy and root beer. Go figure - growing wild in my front yard! LOL! Another 365 little treasure discovery for me!
Love the sublety of this color "striped wintergreen" as it stands amidst the tones of brown. Great textures and focus. Very beautiful and very delicate. Wonderful, gal. :)
@heidievans73 LOL! I plan to let them grow just as they are! =) I hope to take some pics of their blooms this summer! Thank you, Heidi for the comments and the view! =)
wow! who would have thought!!! i find that to be really neat and interesting!!! great shot and thanks for sharing!
also, you should make some rootbeer :P
also, you should make some rootbeer :P
@princesicita Thank you, sweet Princess! As long as I'm still here I'll get that photo with no problem! =)
@honeybees Thanks, Rebecca! =)