My apologies for the blur on the right- it's the deck railing and I had to be careful not to spook them so I did my best to keep as much of it out as possible while not getting too close to the window!
Thank you so much for all your views, comments and favs- wow! It is rare to get them both on the feeder at the same time let alone in the backyard at the same time, so this was so exciting to catch.
@jyokota They are eating sunflower seeds- average size. I used to buy a combo of sunflower and songbird seeds and layer them like a parfait but it got sort of expensive- so now everyone gets sunflower seeds. They all seem to like them! Thank you Junko!
@olivetreeann I saw an oriole at the orange feeder today! And something has been nibbling at the suet so I'm going to plug myself into an audiobook tomorrow and sit outside staring at the bird feeder with camera in hand to see if I can capture them feeding! So exciting -- I only put up the feeder two days ago.
@olivetreeann -- I ended up staying up all night ( bad habit developed during these last months) and then I realized it was that dawn hour when you can hear birds the most! So I went for a 6am photowalk. LOTS of bird singing, but still too dark to photograph them. Rewarding nevertheless.
Thank you so much for all your views, comments and favs- wow! It is rare to get them both on the feeder at the same time let alone in the backyard at the same time, so this was so exciting to catch.
@jyokota It doesn't take long before the birds discover a feeder and make it a part of their daily routine!