I liked the edges on this leaf. I was going to leave it in color but black and white looked so much better. Speaking of black and white- Flash of Red February is rapidly approaching! I'd better start planning!
time flies so fast, when i thought about it last fall, flash of red february seemed so far in the future. now we just have 16 days. bring it on! although i'm running out of props and we're still on very strict lockdown.
Thank you MIlanie, Vikki, Amy, Harry, Sally, Diana, Phoebe, Dorre, Maggie, Issi, Katrina, Bri, Joan, Sw, Louise, Nada and Katy! I really do appreciate the time you take to look and comment on my photos!
Looking forward to February and the challenge as always
@milaniet @summerfield @amyk @hjbenson @salza @ludwigsdiana @aikimomm @edorreandresen @maggiemae @jamibann @koalagardens @bybri @joansmor @swchappell @lmsa @njmom3 @grammyn
Thank you MIlanie, Vikki, Amy, Harry, Sally, Diana, Phoebe, Dorre, Maggie, Issi, Katrina, Bri, Joan, Sw, Louise, Nada and Katy! I really do appreciate the time you take to look and comment on my photos!
Thank you Haskar, Jolene, Lou Ann, Kathy, Rob and Lynda (and thanks so much for the fav Lynda!).