@skipt07 And the baby sister who was too little for the first picture and couldn't make it to the birthday celebration. There is another picture of me from about the same time with a favorite stuffed toy- a cat I think.
@ludwigsdiana It is the same for us and our other sister. We live in 3 different states. But the youngest and I (the oldest) are closer to each other with me being in Pennsylvania near the New Jersey border (the state where she lives).
@vesna0210 Yes, we are just that Vesna!
@ludwigsdiana It is the same for us and our other sister. We live in 3 different states. But the youngest and I (the oldest) are closer to each other with me being in Pennsylvania near the New Jersey border (the state where she lives).
@grammyn @kjarn @seattlite @eudora @ludwigsdiana @wh2021 @edorreandresen @annied @jamibann @onewing @haskar @joansmor @swchappell @beryl @photohoot @kvphoto @hjbenson @vesna0210 @skipt07 @ljmanning @carole_sandford
Thank you all for the views, comments and favs! She's a special sister (and so is my other one!) and I'm glad we're family.
@spanishliz Thanks Liz and thank you so much for the fav!