After having to deal with a few family dramas over the last few months and the deaths of two friends during the last couple of weeks, I have decided that enough is enough and David and I have to start looking after ourselves. So this is my New Year's Resolution.
Being 'married to' the military for a vast number of years, we have always had to keep moving on and moving forward due to postings etc so this year is going to be our year and we need not to be bogged down with other family emotional issues .
I saw this sign outside a shop in Maitland a while ago and took a photo of it. Maybe it is time for us to heed the words.
As an afterthought to what I have written above, I might add that closure isn't always possible in some situations but what you have to achieve is acceptance.
This saying of 'having closure' is one of my absolute pet hates. Anyone who uses it has never had to deal with what you have been through. It is so tokenistic.
All the best Babs on your journey this year & I may even get a chance to get up your way😊
You are so right, hope 2017 gives you the chance to live life yours and David's way xx
Don't think there is ever complete closure, we are humans, we hurt, but the pain becomes more manageable as time ticks by.
@365projectorgjenfurj Thanks Jen, would love to catch up if you do come up here. I could send you my email address if you are interested.
I agree you don't always get closure, but you have to reach acceptance.
You're right Babs. Thank you. Reading your post this morning has helped me to accept and move on. Acceptance isn't always easy but it's absolutely necessary if one is to move on.
@susiemc Glad it has helped Sue. Acceptance isn't easy and you have to do a lot of soul searching to achieve it but it is a lot more manageable than closure.
What a refreshing post Babs. Closure is a hard thing and sometimes not something we really want, but your word acceptance is a more do-able I think. Its still a long road to travel but I hope most can get there eventually. Good luck on your 2017 journey.
Wise words. Can only imagine how though of a start to the year you must have had Babs. Hope you have much happiness and cheer for the rest of your 2017 ventures. And yes, make sure you get your me time 😊
Such a big response to your wise words in this photo, must ring a bell with most of us! I seem to remember you saying this before perhaps last year so this time you must follow through! We need peace & a calm life as we get older, I think we seem to worry more & cant take things in our stride as easily, not something the young seem to get into their heads! Put yourselves first! Good luck Babs!
Wise words indeed. I've suffered a death of my dear aunt recently as well as a few family dramas (ongoing) and struggle to accept and move on... always good to get a reminder. Good luck with your's Babs.
I certainly understand that feeling. My in-laws are a bit wacky and there's been a few times where I've just had to let it go and let God take care of it with them. And He does! I am a firm believer in the saying that the only person you can change is yourself so when a situation comes around where there is no "closure" and no way to get one, I change what I can and get sense of peace from that. I wish all the best for you and your husband in 2017 and pray you'll really enjoy taking care of yourselves and strengthening your own relationship.
@Cherrill Thanks Cherrill, I agree acceptance is easier to deal with. I have reached acceptance since Zoe's death, but other family issues are taking longer to come to terms with. This year I will get there.
@happypat Thanks Pat, yes indeed last year was going to be our year and we did so well until September when the wheels started to fall off with a family member again. We have come to the conclusion that we can't fix other people we can give clues but not answers. David and I have got far more history than we have future so we have to put ourselves first at some point and this year we will do just that.
@slash Thanks Susan. You have had more than your share of heartache too. I hope you can reach acceptance, it is much more manageable than closure. Onwards and upwards for all of us.
@olivetreeann Thanks Ann. We all have our trials and tribulations don't we, I have managed to reach acceptance in most things now and David and I have to just keep moving forward.
@onewing that would be lovely Babs. Not sure how best to do it. I have Facebook: Jennifer Janson, if you would like to send a private message. Or if your happy to put your email on 365 I'll email you? 💐
Some wise words accompany this picture. Closure is a wonderful end to a problem, but sometimes we have to work with accepting that there may not be a resolution or closure to an issue. Wishing you every sucess with your New Years resolution. Katharine
You are so right Babs. Sometimes you can't help but worry about others. It would be nice if we had a little worry switch and could flick it off now and then. Hope you win the battle.
Some wise words above Babs, and if we can't change what happens to us, we can change how we react. Easier said than done, I think mindfulness and photography helps to keep us in the moment and, of course, acceptance. There again not always easy although we can but try. Xx
All the best Babs on your journey this year & I may even get a chance to get up your way😊
Don't think there is ever complete closure, we are humans, we hurt, but the pain becomes more manageable as time ticks by.
I agree you don't always get closure, but you have to reach acceptance.
Good luck Babs