This emu was a b%$@er to take a photo of. He was strutting about, tried to eat my camera once and definitely had an attitude problem. You can see it in his eye!!!
@yaorenliu@hermann Thanks. This one was really having a bad day, but I was determined not to give up on getting a photo of it. Under the circumstances I was pleased with the result.
He is out to take a piece of you from somewhere couldn't take your eye off him for long!! Love his beady looking really shines out from the b/w image.
Fantastic shot and I love the way you've captured the 'don't mess with me' look in his eye with the colour in an otherwise almost b&w shot. I'm glad you didn't take your eye off him though, emus can be very nasty indeed.
@golftragic Thanks Marnie. I think this one was wanting all the attention. He was attacking a couple of his feathered friends too. I know how nasty they can be. Saw one at Healesville in Victoria once which took an instant dislike to a woman and chased it her quite a long way with her screaming blue murder before it gave up, deciding it had had enough fun!!!