I have been hunting dragonflies for weeks now without much success. It has been very windy the last couple of days and they are so flighty they are very difficult to capture especially in flight. I have hurt my knee and am finding it difficult to walk this morning. As I was sitting having a coffee I spotted a dragon in my garden flying round and then he landed. I thought by the time I got out there he would have flown off but luckily he was still there and I managed to get a couple of shots off.
I have desaturised the green from the shot to help him stand out from the backgorund. I have my shot for today - so pleased!!
Many thanks for your great comments on my shot of Finlay yesterday - very much appreciated as always!!
Really nice processing and detail. When I go looking for dragon flies, I find that they return to the same spot again and again. So if you perch near a spot where they were, they usually return. This is a great shot, and you should be really pleased!