Hartsholme Park  by phil_sandford

Hartsholme Park

Another for the ‘Flash of Red’ February challenge.

This week sees the flashofred2018 challenge move to the 'rule of thirds to tell a story.'

We have the munchkins for a few days over the school holiday; today was cold, but really brilliant sunshine so we took a drive out to Hartshome Park in Lincoln and 'took a stroll.' Didn't really know what to expect or find with the camera set to 'monochrome' and for many of the shots when I got them onto the PC I wasn't impressed. This one though, with a little bit of processing stood out.

For more info on the Flash of Red Challenge for February 2018 please see here - http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/31004/flash-of-red-february-2018-begins-in-4-days

Thank you for your views, comments and favs on yesterday’s offering. Much appreciated
Nice clouds, looks as if you are looking up.
February 15th, 2018  
This works so well
February 15th, 2018  
This looks really good in B/W. The clouds really stand out. So glad you mentioned that the Flash of Red was moving on to rule of thirds. I had forgotten to look at the list and was still working on textures.
February 16th, 2018  
many thanks for the follow, phil - much appreciated! i agree this stands out - like the way the white bark balances the clouds
February 16th, 2018  
Wonderful shot
February 16th, 2018  
A lovely image 👍
February 19th, 2018  
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