Mint Sauce by phil_sandford

Mint Sauce

Drive out this afternoon to look for newborn lambs; harder to find than rocking horse proverbial, but after turning around at Doddington Hall (where we bought cake) we found a few in a field. This little chap was sat across from his mum quite happily taking in the sun (well what there was of it)

Thank you for your views, comments and favs on yesterday’s offering. Much appreciated.
Lol, my Sil and I saying the same every spring
May 1st, 2022  
Sweet capture, he’s too cute to serve with mint sauce! 😊
May 1st, 2022  
Sweet capture
May 1st, 2022  
Cute lamb amidst the green grass. How could you think of a eating lamb looking at this sweet one with Mom!
May 1st, 2022  
How could you Phil !, such a sweet innocent little one !!
May 1st, 2022  
A very sweet capture
May 1st, 2022  
Oh cute.
May 1st, 2022  
So sweet!
May 1st, 2022  
Sweet capture.
May 1st, 2022  
So sweet, love his name, does he have a friend called Rosemary.
May 1st, 2022  
So cute.
May 1st, 2022  
So cute
May 1st, 2022  
Cute shot
May 2nd, 2022  
He looks so sweet and contented
May 2nd, 2022  
So so cute. Great to see that you are up on your feet again
May 2nd, 2022  
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