Winchester Farmers' Market by quietpurplehaze

Winchester Farmers' Market

Ray suddenly remembered, as he was putting his newly-bought bunch of watercress into his shirt pocket, that he was standing next to a 365er.
Too late....................
Nice happy shot, Hazel. Farmers' markets are such a delight ... and can hold a surprise or two if you're not careful. Like the squeeze-box!
July 8th, 2012  
I think the collage is the only way you could have done a farmers' market justice. We go to one near here-- I'll have to try it. The pies look yummy.
July 8th, 2012  
@wordpixman Arhtur you've lost me a bit - what sort of surprises?
July 8th, 2012  
@barbcapecod We have some individual tarts/pies for our pudding tonight - strawberry, chocolate, and apricot with amaretti....................
July 8th, 2012  
@quietpurplehaze ... sneaky photographers!
July 8th, 2012  
@wordpixman Aha!!!!!!!!!! He should be used to it by now! (Everybody else I photograph gets asked if they mind having their pic taken. That's 40+ years of married life for you, I guess!)
July 8th, 2012  
great shots and what a great place to spend some time :)
July 8th, 2012  
It all looks wonderful and I agree with Barbara Sue, a collage is the only way you could give us a taste of it all, and I must say it all looks fantastic! Those pies/tarts look yummy!
July 8th, 2012  
@barbcapecod @tishpics they were very yummy!
July 8th, 2012  
Fantastic, busy collage. You can feel the spirit of the market through your camera.
July 9th, 2012  
@creativeamateur Paula, thank you, I like street food markets, so colourful and appetising!!
July 9th, 2012  
Another great collage! Have been to the farmers market in winchester a few times and there's so many photo opportunities, and so much wonderful produce too!
July 9th, 2012  
@lucyk thank you, Lucy - I think I might go back another time!
July 9th, 2012  
I love farmers markets. There is a huge one in Dallas, but nothing like that.
July 11th, 2012  
@motheroftwins21 Yes I think they make good photographic material - this one is not so large but has very individual stalls - for example the top one in my collagee just selling watercress and products like cheese and watercress scones.
July 11th, 2012  
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