“Who disturbs my slumber?” by rhoing

“Who disturbs my slumber?”

During our row this afternoon, Roland and I saw many turtles on logs and branches that had fallen into the water. All but this one dove into the water as we approached. This guy, however, was quite stubborn about standing his ground, though all around him had deserted.

Clare drove home today after several days away with her good friend Bobbie and a couple of Bobbie’s friends. I awaited their arrival at Bobbie’s house as I had to inform Bobbie that I came over to feed the cats a couple days ago only to find that Jimmy, her mom’s 12-year old diabetic feline, had passed away since my visit the evening before. While Jimmy had been a valuable member of the family, as company for Bobbie’s mom for many years, his diabetes required someone to be present every 12 hours to administer his insulin, http://365project.org/rhoing/365/2013-09-28
With Bobbie’s mom’s case of Alzheimer’s advancing, this has become an increasingly complicating factor in her daily routine…

1 year ago (“Rose periwinkle”): http://365project.org/rhoing/365/2013-03-13
2 years ago (“Blades of green…”): http://365project.org/rhoing/365/2012-03-13
3 years ago (“Proof of Life [to come]!”): http://365project.org/rhoing/365/2011-03-13
The leader of the pack
March 19th, 2014  
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