monsieur leapin et moi by summerfield

monsieur leapin et moi

i have a tremendous fear of dogs. maybe because when i was six or seven i was mauled a few times by my uncle's german shepherd. his name was bobby and maybe he didn't like my face - there were other kids around - so he just bullied me. i ran up the stairs of the house we were in and he was right behind me, the hem of my dress in his mouth. i climbed the iron railings of the window and he did, too! i was practically glued to the ceiling like a lizard and he was standing on the window sill, pulling my tattered dress. no one tried to stop him because he wouldn't listen. my uncle came at just the right time and whistled at him. he didn't even ask if i was alright; he even accused me of provoking the dog. after a few weeks we had to go to my uncle's house again and the same thing happened. every time we go there, that damn dog was just after me. everyone said i provoked the f*****g dog.

so i grew up with an acute aversion to dogs. even a small chihuahua is enough to send me to a corner. dog owners don't understand that there's a reason why people are afraid of their dogs. "he's a sweetheart, he's not going to bite!" but that's what my uncle would always say. two pretty dresses torn into pieces and he's a sweetheart?

cats. we used to have a cat but my sisters always got sick, the doctor had said to get rid of the cat. sisters got well. the neighbour's cat would come to the house and i would sneeze like there was no tomorrow. i still do.

so my choice of pet is the likes of monsieur leapin. stuffy yet soft, and they're low maintenance. monsieur leapin and i had been together for 23 years, we always got along well. once in a while i would bathe him by putting him with my coloured wash, otherwise he just sits on my vanity and we're good that way.

for the five plus two's pet theme this week.
Are you about to sneeze, or hiding a grin? I sympathise with you on all counts but have to admit I love dogs! but only mine! It's like children- the way they are brought up! However you cannot "bring up" cats!
December 20th, 2013  
What a story, Annabelle is terrified of dogs, no reason just plain terrified. I too get so cross when people say their dog is friendly. It does not matter it is not their dog it is her fear.
Love froggy, he sounds much treasured
December 20th, 2013  
ah don't get me started about darn dogs, can't stand them lol, and the mother told me that when I started school I used to cross and re-cross the road each time I came to a house with a dog, running the gauntlet of barking snarling jumping things, now I can't go to the beach without some dog coming sniffing me..."it wont hurt you" that's what they all say, until it bites someones face off. ok you got me started...
December 20th, 2013  
I think that is definitely the easiest route to go when choosing a pet! You don't have to water or feed it and it gives you endless cuddles! Yes, I say Monsieur Leapin is a fantastic pet!
December 20th, 2013  
Oh dear. Maybe this isn't the thread for me because you know I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE dogs ! Your story touched a nerve with me because people who don't respect their dogs as animals that can do damage create a whole bunch of trouble for both dogs & people. Don't get me going on responsible pet
ownership : ) oh, I'm already there !
December 20th, 2013  
As a dog lover who cannot imagine life without a furball, I can sympathise with you. It must be horrid to have a dog irrespective of size just rush at you. I believe that as soon as a dog is out of it's home it must be on a leash and controlled. Those folks who allow their dog (of any size) to rush up to someone drive me dilly. I could just go on and on. I do love your frog though :-)
December 20th, 2013  
If I would have been there your uncle and is dog, would have been needing medical attention....
December 21st, 2013  
Looky you popping up in pictures! Nice one. Hey I entered the 5+2 theme and forgot about the selfie bit! How does that work? D'oh!
December 22nd, 2013  
I'm loving your five + 2 entries! I'm not a huge pet fan - they're cute as puppies and kittens and what not, but then they grow out of that cute faze. Soft stuffed ones on the other hand are always cute.
December 24th, 2013  
love this composition... excellent focus, and good use for selective colouring... i've heard too many horror stories about dog-bites to ever be 100% comfortable with them... i'm not a pet person in general - already have enough small-fry running around!
December 26th, 2013  
Oh my gosh, Vikki! That is a nightmare. I am so sorry no one protected you. I feel like my mom never protected me from my older brothers. haha They got a bit rough at times, and picked on me a bit...but nothing like a dog with teeth bared. Oh wow. I cannot have pets either...I am gone from the house too long to have a dog. They need lots of time. And cats..well, my husband cannot stand one roaming the house. I am not a big fan of it myself. But I might have gotten one if I lived alone. So I have fish and my Crested Gecko Lizards.....haha I have gotten so behind on checking on everyone on this site. Esp. since I am back to "post a pic a day" ....I know you were leaving for your trip. I just saw you post a pic you were back. So I am going to start here and go through your album in correct order. Glad you are home safe now
February 14th, 2014  
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