who ate all my chocolate? by summerfield

who ate all my chocolate?

a head-scratching challenge this week for the 52-week challenge: an artistic shot of candy, only you cannot actually use a candy in the scene.

the candy's not supposed to be in the shot, eh? well, i had in mind asking a drop dead gorgeous police officer to (aherm!) open his shirt while i take a photo of him, but he was talking to his captain so i thought it would not be a good idea to use that certain eye candy. oi!

i still don't see how the subject of the shot is candy, or in this instance chocolate, without the actual candy being there. so i ate it and took a photo. savvy?

this will have to double up for the flash of red's texture assignment this week - paper, foil container, foil wrapper. and the texture of the chocolate, which i ate, so smooth to the palate, almost like godiva. yes, almost, but not quite.
đŸ˜‚ love it!
February 7th, 2017  
LOL - love it! Very creative and a great excuse for much chocolate consumption...well done.
February 7th, 2017  
Interesting- we are once again on the same wavelength (although I haven't taken the shot yet). You'll see my take tomorrow or Wednesday depending on how I manage my time tomorrow! The challenge is divided into 3 categories sooc, technical and artistic. Since this assignment was listed under artistic I took it to mean you could pretty much interpret it whatever way you saw fit. I like this and I think it works!
February 7th, 2017  
Nicely composed. Great B&W!
February 7th, 2017  
Nice low key shot. The textures of the metal shine through.
February 7th, 2017  
Such a sad shot... ;(
February 7th, 2017  
clever you! i was thinking of something along these lines as well, but am somewhat more inclined to try the suggestion you made the other day... we'll see if i can get one of the boys to cooperate :)
February 7th, 2017  
A delicious photo...such an intelligent composition and response to the artistic candy-less challenge.
February 7th, 2017  
Very clever. I am struggling with the idea of texture in black-and-white but you seem to be having no trouble with it at all
February 7th, 2017  
I have a similar idea to yours but won't have nearly the same textural impact. I must now go and take my candy-less picture!
February 7th, 2017  
Lovely shot, glad I'm not doing this challenge as I'm sugarless for a week (done a day aaahhhhhhhh!) and I'd resent Him eating the sweets for my photograph!!
February 7th, 2017  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond - I've long ago gave up on diets, sugarless or otherwise. i've learned that the best thing is to have a little of it every now and then. these things are just a matter of self-discipline, and i'm first to acknowledge that i'm have none of that whatsoever. but if you really want to lose weight or have less sugar, being very strict with yourself most of the times won't work.

what i always had done was to do "rationing". that always seem to work and if there's another person eating the rest of it, well, then, why feel bad? go easy on yourself, kid. here, let me have a bar of chocolate after lunch "for you". :-P
February 7th, 2017  
If you find the magic answer to weight maintenance, let me know eh! I've dieted on and off all my life and it always ends back on my hips sooner or later! I do like the rationing approach but as I'm an all or nothing kinda gal it never seems to work for me!
February 7th, 2017  
@summerfield not for a diet, for a spot of health check!!! I have no idea how much I weigh, no scales in house for years!!! Please enjoy my chocolate I tend to go for twixes or crunchies. ( note plurals!!). Thank you for your concern!!!!
February 7th, 2017  
Twas me. Sorry;)!
February 7th, 2017  
as a detective, I think I could figure this out fairly quickly. LOL
February 8th, 2017  
Nope! Not me! I'm not the responsible party! (Not that I wouldn't have liked to have been!) ... wait a moment... didn't read the whole story up there ... it was YOU, wasn't it?! (And to all the "Dieters" who replied, I stopped dieting years ago and my weight settled in one place. Now on this DR-imposed diet for the surgery and healing afterward, I don't feel one bit thinner! I'm very curious to see what the scales say tomorrow, but what does it matter if the clothes aren't any looser?!
February 8th, 2017  
February 8th, 2017  
Haha I did similar - we all ate the chocolates and saved the wrapping for the photo!
February 8th, 2017  
Well done.
February 8th, 2017  
Snap - my first thought was 'eye candy' but no suitable candidates around here! Empty wrappers were the next thought ..... still thinking but I do like your thinking and clever execution of this tricky assignment.
February 9th, 2017  
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